KR4 Flashing problems


Today I flashed some of my Flashlights with a new Anduril Version.

But my KR4 doesn´t work after flashing it. When I reassemble it it flickers a little, gets very bright and then turns off :frowning:

I updated it with the android app & Hanks tool.

Old Version: 2022/10/21/0216
New Version: 2023/10/31.noctigon-kr4-boost.hex

Ty for your help!

Did you try a factory reset (13H)?
Are you sure you got the model ID (0216) correctly?

That usually what happens when you do a factory reset.

Yes and yes. I tried factory reset but after the initial flickering there is no more signal coming from the lamp.

Before I flashed the firmware I double checked the previous Version. And I know its a kr4 with boost upgrade :slight_smile:

OK. It seems something is pressing the switch (or closing the electrical contact) so that the light “thinks” the switch gets pressed permanently (which would do a factory reset on re-assembly).

Take the light apart again and look for something that could be causing that.
Screw everything back together tightly.

No I don’t think so. I reflashed the old version and it works fine again. So if there would be a hardware issue that would not change with the UI Version, right?

Hard to tell because you took the light apart and reflashed it.
To know for sure maybe redownload and reflash again.

I downloaded that file twice ind tried to install it 3 times :frowning:
But now working is the -12V version and not the boost. Does that change sth.?

Should be the same version (got renamed to -boost recently).
But I think this could be an issue @ToyKeeper might want to know about.

2 Thanks

I also can’t use the new hex with my kr1 with the boost driver that uses the same kr4-boost firmware (and confirmed by 13c version check).

It acts as if the switch gets stuck once it is pressed.

I commented about it in the “anduril…2?” thread.

1 Thank