L2N on sale $12.99


Got one of these last week, good deal.

Will have to get one now, question is, black or grey, with or without clip?

Really like the grey color of my BLF A8.

Tough decisions… :slight_smile:

Will probably get an L2T too, is anybody here actually using the clips on their
L-series lights?

Only have a L2M and two 504b:s and they have no clips…

Like the clip on my SC52 and Balder SE-1, seems more logical on a AA-sized light clipped inside a front pantspocket…

It’s been at that price for quite a while so I don’t think it’s gonna change any time soon :wink:

I’ll eventually get the grey one. I’m just waiting to finish building a list of other things I want from Solarforceflashlight-sales

I don’t like the clip very much, but that’s me. I really like the L2T’s

I didn’t know that I just got a post on facebook from them saying it’s on sale now so i thought I would share it….

It was 13.99

I could compare the color of the A8 and the grey L2N in 3-4 days (got the L2N today, for the A8 I have to drive to customs service).
At the moment I don’t use the clip, but I have ordered it, too. I use on on the Uniquefire UF2100 (the Solarforce fit), because it the flashlight is smaller as the L2.

You’re not the only one who’s not a fan of the SF clip. Sticks out really far. Digs into me when I wear it on my belt…can’t explain exactly why but I just don’t care for it. I am sorely tempted by this L2N deal. Looks like such a sweet host but I just don’t use p60 lights much at all these days. Decisions, decisions…

I’ve found that the standard L2N forward clicky is pretty useless for mode changes. You should also order the reverse clicky tailcap (which is only available in black).

There was a black for $13.99 and grey for $12.99 :wink:

Maybe it was $14.99 and $13.99 but I don’t think so. Oh well… regardless, it’s a dollar :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t see the problem in chugging modes in a forward clicky. I don’t think it is any harder than a reverse yet you have the forward clicky goodness. Besides, I think I want a one mode light for a change. Seems like 99% of my lights are multi mode and I miss a good old single mode.

So what do you use?