LatticeBright postmortem help

So I tried de-doming an LB that was REALLY dim and blue (came on an Ultrafire SK68 clone) by dunking it in petrol and forgot about it for 8 hours (room temperature, about 27 deg C). It won’t turn on now, and I think the phosphor came right off(?). I didn’t have to do any physical (toothpick) cleanup though, so am wondering if 8 hours was overkill?

Here’s the de-domed picture below, can anyone tell me more? Bond wires look OK?

Phosphor is gone and so are the bond wires
Even if it worked, the light would be blue right now.

I haven’t dedomed that much LEDs (don’t like the color changing), but 8h seems a bit much.
I think its more like 1h and then look if the dome has come off.

Ah, right. Thanks!

Depends on the gas it seems, I’ve had it take 6 hours before. With good, new gas it’s usually 1-2hours for me. On a Cree, though, you might get some tint shift but the gas isn’t going to pull off all the phosphor.

I guess we have a new way of testing for genuine emitters :student:

I’ve de-domed Latticebright LEDs before with the same results as you. I can’t remember how long I left it in the gas, but I suspect it wasn’t the length of time in gas that did the cheapo emitters in. It was simply that they are cheapo emitters. :wink:

By the way, if anyone’s interested in replacement Latticebright emitters, I’ve got plenty. I’ll send you some. I bought a couple hundred off AliExpress once, because they’re cheap. The ones I have are sold as generic 1W LEDs, and they come in a roll of 100 LEDs inside a vacuum packed foil pouch. I have one pouch open with a few missing, but IIRC, the other pouch hasn’t been opened yet. They are XP footprint.


Well, at least now I can be sure it wasn’t just my bad. :smiley: