What is the difference between a Cree XR-E RZ900 and the EZ900
Difference? No difference at all. … Ok, thats not true, there is a slight difference. One is a typo.
RZ is just a typo.
R is right next to E on a qwerty keyboard.
Wrong! E is next to R on the qwerty keyboard…
:( I’m dyslexic! :(
I thought BFL would be a safe place and I wouldn’t be ostracized. :~ :_( :zipper_mouth_face:
Back under my rock I go. :weary:
At least that’s better than being lysdexic…
I had a feeling it was from schiermeier.biz. If you google Cree XR-E RZ900 only 2 pages pages of results come up & a bunch of them are referring to schiermeier.biz. They copied the typo onto at least a couple lights.
Cree.com comes up on top just because google sometimes ignores typos for the top result. You won’t find RZ900 on cree’s site. They list EZ900 though.
Check dereelight.com/nightmaster.htm or google Dereelight Night Master V2. Its a Cree XR-E EZ900.
Thanks for that Helios