This may be a stupid question but does anyone know if there are some round die led’s?
I want to make a zoomie without a square hotspot when zoomed in.
I have searched and cant seem to find anything that fits in a 16-20 pcb hole and still runs off of 3-6 volts.
Any help is much appreciated.
February 14, 2020, 5:56am
Nichia 319A is hexagonal. Looks almost round in zoomie. In store.
Thanks ive been considering one of those.
Just wanted to know if any true round dies exsist.
February 14, 2020, 7:06am
There are large round die LEDs from Luminus as well as Chinese clones. Too large for you though.
There are also many mid power LEDs that have a round phosphor. These may work for you but probably not.
Nothing else comes to my mind…
February 14, 2020, 8:25am
1 idea could be make a shime so the focus doesnt focus all the way to the square.
i have a zoomy zanes “xhp90” fake cree
i changed the lense in there to a
lensy thing
it completely changed the sqaure led pattern to a round kind of unfocused pattern
its a work round
Thanks for the info guys i think ill try a 319A Nichia and if that inst round enough ill just shim it.