LED Shutter Glasses (circuit)

Led Shutter Glasses have a very small circuit that controls the flash/blink/constant on rate & mode. Does anyone know what this circuit is called (ID numbers) or where to get it? The Glasses are cheap and the circuit can be removed, but I’m hoping to avoid doing that.
The little PCB sort’ve works like a “flash chip cob LED driver cycle flashing control board”. The PCB has a moment switch attached/soldered to it, when pressed it changes the light mode from fast-flash/slow-flash/constant-on. It’s a simple PCB & function, I just know nothing of how it works. I have a use for it, but first I need to know how it works and more importantly where to get the little PCB board (?) Anything that can be shared would be appreciated
TYVM cgc210

If I knew what “LED shutter glasses” were, I might be able to help, but…

Never heard of ’em before.