I’d like to share some beamshots comparing d-c-fix and Luminit 40° film on an EagleEye X6 and a Convoy S2+ triple.
EE X6 is running an MTN17DD-m driver and Nichia 219C emitter.
S2+ triple is running a BLF A6 driver, Nichia 219BT emitters, and Carclo 10507 “narrow spot” optic.
Both lights are running freshly-charged HG2 cells. All photos are taken with the lights at maximum output.
Lights are mounted 38” (96.5 cm) off the ground. The camera is positioned 8” (20 cm) above the lights.
Lights are aimed at the tree in the center of the frame, which is 92 feet (28 meters) away.
Photos were taken about 1.5 hours after sunset.
I’ve included 2-frame comparison .GIFs excluding the d-c-fix photo for folks who have no experience with d-c-fix.
Click a .GIF for a larger view.
EagleEye X6 (three frames)
unmodified vs. d-c-fix vs. Luminit 40° film:
EagleEye X6 (two frames)
unmodified vs. Luminit 40° film:
Convoy S2+ (three frames)
unmodified vs. d-c-fix vs. Luminit 40° film:
Convoy S2+ (two frames)
unmodified vs. Luminit 40° film:
The photoshoot was supervised by a great horned owl, perched high in a tree just over my right shoulder. Yes, really!