Light Up Your Life with LED Lights, Up To 44% OFF @ FocalPrice!

Hi BLF members,

Nowadays, LED lights become an necessary part of our life, from study to work. :wink:

Let’s light up our life with LED Lights! :party: We offer up to 44% off discount for the LEDs at FocalPrice,, pick what you want! :smiley:

Happy Valentine’s Day! :heart_eyes:


DQG Tiny 26650 Triple CREE XP-G2

DQG 26650 and 18650

No dqg 18650, it sucks!!!

Haha, I suspect it too.

Why you interested then? I sell you mine for 20$ shipped if u wanna know from first hand :wink:

Yes, I am interested in both lights but that does not mean I will buy it at any price.

Cnq uses map, so, there will be NO discount, if they get a hand on the dqg 18650 it’s gonna cost 35$ and not a cent less.

I would like one of these for around this price, but i don’t need a battery or charger (it is better without them)

But maybe some livhts with XML2 emitters in various tints, I know some like the cooler tints for throwing and some like the warmer tints for better color reconditioning and maybe some that are easy to modify down the road? Maybe some others will c home I. I mean we have a vendor actually asking what we want.

We want drivers, reflectors, quality ar lenses, leds on noctigons, quality batteries,… But fp doesn’t sell useful stuff…

DQG 18650 bulk price was USD24 when i last checked :bigsmile: So I was hopefully to see a figure that is in between for new piece. Actually I like 26650 triple, most probably will be getting it soon.

10 LED All-Purpose Bike Warning Light Save Lamps,, $4.49.

Laser Promotion Book Reading LED Light Flashlight Torch Save Lamps,, $1.99.

FY-812 Outdoor Bicycle Headlight Save Lamps,, $4.99.

Looks like its armed with 5mm leds. In all honesty, would anyone like to guess how many lumens that might be? Probably just enough to see your feet when you look down.

lol you are probably right.