These camping tips will show you how to camp like a champ
Most people hit their favorite campground for a 3 day weekend. A smaller percentage camp for a week or more at a time. But you don’t have to sacrifice comfort for adventure in the great outdoors if you know how to camp like a champ. It helps to know the difference between essential camping gear and luxuries.
Camping is a great way to maximize your opportunities for adventure. A comfortable basecamp is the perfect place to prepare for day hikes. But it helps to know how to hike like a seasoned hiker. We wrote a wildly popular guide called How to hike: 8 steps to become a badass day hiker that will help you become the best hiker possible.
ESSENTIAL #1: Shelter
Your shelter is your safe haven in any campground. It’s where you will lay your head each night and where you’ll retreat during nasty weather. It’s also home base during your camping adventure so comfort should be a top priority. Ensuring that your shelter delivers a comfortable experience requires more than just a big tent.
Select a campsite
Be aware of widow makers. Dead trees can fall at any time and ruin a perfect camping trip. Downed limbs and debris around the site can be a good indicator of what’s to come.
If you’re a walk-in (meaning that you arrive at the campground without a reserved site), be sure to survey the landscape. Nothing ruins a great camping weekend like loud neighbors. Know camping etiquette and expect it from your campground neighbors. Don’t be the one that pisses off their campmates.
Many campgrounds have picnic tables and firepits. Look for campsites with a bit of tree cover (healthy trees of course – see previous bullet) which could be beneficial in a light rain.
Know the general wind direction. Nobody wants to be sucking down the neighbor’s campfire smoke all night. Look for sites that are upwind whenever possible.
Determine where the sun will rise and set. A site with tree cover may block some of the early morning sun. A nice sunset view could be equally rewarding so think it through.
89 camping tips to elevate any campsiteChoose the best shelter for your needs
Choose a tent size that fits your needs. Be careful not to go overboard; larger tents typically require more effort to put up and break down.
Smaller tents provide more flexibility for placement on a specific campsite than larger ones. Options for where to place the tent are good to have.
Consider the wind direction. Placing your tent downwind from your campfire could make for a smoky night’s sleep.
Double doors on a tent can be a real plus. If you’re using the fly, the vestibules can be used for gear storage. Less gear in the tent, more room for movement. Plus, the added storage that vestibules provide could allow you to choose a smaller tent to get the job done.
Your favorite shelter may be a hammock. Hammocks offer a unique option for solo campers and are versatile enough for a wide range of temperatures and conditions. Hammocks can also be effective in minimizing your footprint or where space is limited.
Dial in your sleep system
Go traditional and choose a good sleeping bag and pad system that fits your body and the conditions. A combo like the Big Agnes down sleeping bag with an integrated pad sleeve is perfect for side sleepers. Learning how to camp using your lightweight backpacking system can save you some hard earned duckets.
Many camping families prefer to use inflatable mattresses instead of pads. In warmer weather, an inflatable mattress is a perfect compliment to a Teton Sports double sleeping bag or for families that still have little campers that are more comfortable sleeping with mom or dad.
Like to sleep above the ground? Then consider a cot system and a larger tent. Though they require more room, cots paired with pads and a sleeping bag can make for a wonderful night’s sleep. Cots typically breakdown and stow in a small 3 foot long carrying case.
Hammock camping can be bliss if you can dial in your sleep system with the right top quilt an insulating pad or bottom quilt.
Consider sleeping bags designed specifically for children. The science is simple and your kids will be more comfortable in a children’s bag than in your old spare bag.
With a sound sleep system, an adequate tent, and the proper site selection you are prepared for any conditions that mother nature throws at you.
Camping tips for creating the perfect campsite and shelter:
Do a quick campground audit at the end of each trip to make notes about the campsite you used, list the ones that might be better for next trip, and document the campsites to avoid. This is especially useful for campgrounds that you plan to revisit later in the season.
An old area rug is a great way to add a bit of comfort to your tent. It helps to manage dirt and feels great on the feet at bedtime.
Spice up the tent with rope lights. Simply wrap them through the pole structure on the outside of the tent but under the fly. A small power pack will do the trick and the ambient light is perfect for putting the kids down before adult time commences.
Water bottles filled with either cold or hot water are a great way to boost comfort in your sleeping bag. Fill your favorite Nalgene bottle with hot water right before you turn in. Place it in the bag with you near your feet or snuggled in where you need it. You can even drop it in your bag 15 minutes before you climb in. Never slide into a cold bag again!
If you’re using a smaller backpacking tent for a solo outing, consider taking a cot anyway. Many 2 person tents will fit nicely on top of the cot. No one ever said the cot had to go inside!
Nothing comforts campers more than a good camp fire at the end of a long day on the trail. But planning your fires, particularly the wood and tools required to sustain a good rager, is often what gives campers trouble. Too little and you go a night without fire. Too much and you have to load it up at the end of the weekend and take it home. Those that know how to camp like a champ eliminate as much of the guess work as possible.
Know your burn rate
12-14 logs (split sections of course) will provide enough wood for cooking dinner in cast iron and fueling a comfortable fire until midnight
Lighter, dry wood will burn faster than hardwoods so take that into account
Take enough extra wood for an unplanned bonus day to cover any contingencies – sell it off to other campers in lieu of taking it home
Every scenario is different. Camping in colder climates means you could be stoking a fire all day and most of the night. In the desert southwest, campers may only burn a fire in the evening hours after returning to camp. The key is to count logs and know how long a stack will last you.
89 camping tips to elevate any campsiteUse these 5 essential tools
A folding military inspired shovel is great for moving coals, adjusting logs in the pit, and covering the smoldering fire with dirt when you leave
A poker – a handy branch makes a good poker and who can resist making necessary “adjustments” to the fire all evening long
Rocks make a great decorative surround for the standard issue rolled steel firepit ring. It can also be built as a buffer to keep inquisitive little ones away from the fire. The bonus – kids love to help gather the rocks!
For those that enjoy dutch oven cooking, a steel grate with 4-5 inch legs is a perfect tool. Place it inside the firepit ring directly over the coals. It can support a dutch oven or coffee pot and can even be used to sear steaks if that’s your thing!
Fire resistant gloves (I use a pair of Ove Gloves – an infomercial special!) come in handy when moving grates or cast iron
Learn to start a fire effortlessly
Cotton balls with a smear of petroleum jelly make great fire starters. Store them in a plastic resealable bag for easy access and to minimize the mess.
Fill cardboard toilet paper rolls with dryer lint for a fire made easy
Place small balls of dryer lint in the spots of an old egg carton and cover each with wax to make 12 individual fire starters.
Fire starter sticks can also be purchased in the section of the grocery store where you find charcoal
Establish piles of wood when you set up camp in graduated sizes. Having a tinder pile to get things started and a pile of thin slat wood can make the process much easier especially in breezy conditions.
Practice fire safety with kids
Firepits get hot to the touch almost instantly. Use rocks to surround the firepit. It makes the pit look great (style points!) and creates a bit of distance between kids and the flame.
Explain the process of fire building to your kids so they understand what you’re doing and how it all works. Giving them an activity like collecting tinder can make them feel included.
Establish a “one poker” rule. Kids will want to poke the fire but that can be avoided when the poker is in the hands of an adult.
Consider what your children are wearing. Some synthetic garments can be dangerous when exposed to an open flame.
Camping tips for building the perfect campfire:
Work on your wood pile as soon as you’ve set up your shelter. Create piles by size ranging from kindling to big logs. This makes building the first fire of the day a breeze.
Take multiple fire starting methods with you on every trip. Some may work better than others in certain conditions.
Smooth rocks placed along the outside of the firepit ring can be useful for heating hands, feet, or low back while you lounge in your favorite camp chair or useful in “preheating” your sleeping bag.