Like lights ? need more excuses to get out there and use / buy more

Well then you could get into RC scale trucks, they are good fun in the forest when it is pitch black.

But fair warning also not a cheap hobby :wink:

And then things get out of hand, and suddenly you find yourself putting light and cameras on all kind of things :sunglasses:

Hahaha like we need excuses to buy more
Looks like a good combination, flashlights, modding and this.

I have two of each of these NIB

<<-- Note my screen name

Tamiaya Bruiser

Tamiaya Mountaineer

Yeah i think the Tamiya trucks like the Bruiser and High lift trucks was what set off scale trucking and the more hardcore crawlers.

But compared to todayโ€™s trucks they drive really bad, the Axial SCX10 in its many forms are a excellent truck right out of the box.
The RC4WD trailfinder 2 i drive is another ballgame with most its parts being made in ALU

BTW the boat above, thatโ€™s our bait boat ( a modified Robbe Norderney ) we use it to sail delicate baits and floats out to sea, so far out you need binoculars to see where its going, even if it have navigational lights too.

Pretty simple as you cant cast a float that far, and also my friend have busted shoulders so surfcasting is out of the ballgame for him now.

The boat then also got fitted with bottom light and a TV transmitter so we on shore can see what it see.
Mostly cuz we can, i do think the light would frighten any sea-trout that might be near to the coast for me and my fly rod to get a chance.

My involvement in R/C in the last 15 years has been minimal, at best.

I also have a World Scale - JackRabbit in my collection. JackRabbit

I was into the hobby heavy for a long time. Nitro & gas boats (clocked by a cop @ 65+mph) pickle fork & off-shore), nitro & gas planes (wing spans from 32"- 10+ feet (clocked by a cop @ 134+mph), 2-stroke, 4-stroke

All mine had the batteries pulled from the electronics, and the engines pre-lubed for long term non-use.

Yup, I've used my bigger boats (4ft) for fishing as well. I had a custom fishing rod attached to a platform on the back, and at times pulled a fly, or spinner.

When a fish too the bait, IT WAS FISH ON!! who would win the pull...LOL