Hi Guys,
Just a little Newb (or Noob) here. Bit of backgrouind, as an teen looking to buy a car i looked up what I would need to put in it and a torch was one of them. Few weeks later, still haven’t got around to getting my license I am house sitting my girlfriends house which is basically the size of a farm. Hearing a noise i cracked out the maglites (6D cell and Rechargeable - only the rechargeable worked). I loved the bad boys, the size and weight of the them. However, I thought the light emitted from them are good but not great.
Now here is my thing, I am looking for a torch which could fit into a glovebox (Not a fan of the mini mags as they look too tiny) but yet has some nice weight to them and a really good shine. I would prefer a rechargeable torch but then again I can just buy rechargeable batteries.
With a bit of research (mainly on this forum and on ebay) I hear that CM-l T6’s are good but XM-L2 U2 are the best on the market for LED’s.
For small torchs I have gathered from threads that the Convoy C8 Cree XM-L U2-1B 2-Group 3/5-Mode LED Flashlight and Convoy S2 Cree XM-L U2-1B 2-Group 3/5-Mode EDC LED Flashlight seem to hold up. Which one would you guys recommend?
If possible is there any bigger torches size wise (with the xm-l2’s) which would fit in a glove box?
I would prefer not to do a mod on a maglite as i could imagine that would get pricey.
Thank-You in advance for the help guys and sorry for the millionth thread about a similar topic.
If you are going to leave it in the glovebox, I agree with Pulsar, best to use NIMH - AA or AAA batteries like Eneloop’s.
I would suggest a Sunwayman D40A. Small enough for the car, runs on 4xAA primaries if you are stuck somewhere and cant charge batteries.
In your upper price range but it is very powerful for a small light.
Nitecore EA4 is a bit cheaper now but they had problems with the rubber switch swelling in the heat on earlier models and I dont know if the new switch has fixed this problem. I have the early model and mine is fine however I have not kept it in extreme weather conditions.
Charging up a torch i found lying around the house i Believe it has a older cree t6 with some Cr123 batteries to see how it goes, it was flickering before but specs of light almost seemed brighter then the rechargeable maglite. Hope looks good.
I am pretty set on getting a XM-L2 (maybe u2) Led. Now the choice is the host.
Which ones do you rate higher a Convoy S2 or C8?
I think my desire for additional lenght I could also buy an extension tube and/or a secondly tourch which would be brighter lets say something with 3x Cree Xm-l2’s like a J-19 from Trustfire. Any suggestions?
Thank-you for the replies guys.
I love the feel of the rechargeable maglite and the weight of a 6D maglite however I think 6D could be a bit over the top for a second torch. (+ they have nice length)
That one wants 18650’s. Not great for the glovebox.
Flowmotions uses AA disposable. Easy to find, easy on the wallet, you can leave spare batteries in the glove box, no need for charging or a charger.
The more I look at that light the more it makes sense for a glovebox. Is there a review of this light?