Just created my account, although I’ve lurked for a while. Are many members here also on CPF? Other than the budget focus, is there a different vibe here? Very interested in the new UC4 charger. My favorite light is a Convoy S2+ with triple 219c.
Welcome! There are a number of dual members, although many of those (like myself) rarely frequent CPF any more. Much more lively and free-wheeling around here, plus there’s new projects being discussed all the time.
Thanks for the responses! Great, I’m looking for something more relaxed. And I’m looking forward to participating in a custom project! Are discussions/threads/comments about non-budget lights frowned upon on BLF?
That’s one of the first question i had also when landing here years ago, it turned out you can talk about any lights of any budget, but BLF members are much more inquisitive and suspicious of marketing BS typically associated with often unjustifiably expensive lights, this kind of scrutiny was very much froned upon at CPF where it’s all about not hurting advertiser business.
The only thing I ever disliked about people talking about expensive lights was when it became bragging . I never understood how someone thinks it's impressive for someone to have paid more money for a metal object that anyone could buy .Kind of a small mind to either be impressed or hope to impress someone.
I have many sharp pencils too . Colored ,No#2's ,carpenter pencils ,mechanical ,various size lead, some used but mostly new .... Want to see my collection ?
I was with CPF for about 5 years, under a different user name.
I still check it out , once in a while , but I prefer BLF.
I recently joined here too, and I have found it to be a very friendly
and welcoming group.
I don’t post on CPF anymore.
Welcome to BLF confucius! A Convoy S2+ with a triple 219C is a great EDC. I have several single and triple 219C flashlights, and a duodec 219C flashlight - a Noctigon Meteor M43.
the thing is , some cheap lights are expensive to others and some expensive lights are not super expensive to others
i couldnt even afford a 100e light, i couldnt justify the price and my wife would kill me. ive got a wife and kids to support so 100e goes quite a long way in our house
saying that ive just bought 3x convoyc8s a new soldering iron and a few drivers and leds from various places and people