...first time ever and most likely the last time ever. 8)
What makes it interesting was, that the car and the crew did not look like they made the trip here (Finland) with a boat!
I did some googling in english without results, then through translate and:
You might ask if I'm sure that was the car but yep, I'm sure.
Drivers round glasses, you cannot make a mistake about them 8)
I waved hand to them, hope they make safely to home.
August 25, 2013, 1:37am
Yup. That’s them alright. One hell of a ride.
August 25, 2013, 1:46am
Thanks for the article, and the link to the Korean page you somehow found.
August 25, 2013, 2:00am
That’s quite the trip! And I thought my 4500km round trip that I got back from last week was long
When I first read the title, I thought maybe you seen this car in the US. That would be the only way to top their accomplishment I think.
I think they mentioned 52000km in some link.
That's almost 6 times longer than the trip I have made...
In 2007 we drove 8800km in 12 days.
Too bad I did not get a chance to wish them luck, they were just leaving gas station.
They were BTW farther north in Finland than in their original plan, they were already in Lapland and heading still due north.
I took a three day road trip there, cam back yesterday :)
August 25, 2013, 8:55am
Wow, that’s crazy!
I think you can check out their location via their blog: http://doegi.blog.me/
Thanks for sharing, and if you guys want me to translate parts of the articles just let me know. :bigsmile:
Wow, that’s crazy!
I think you can check out their location via their blog: http://doegi.blog.me/
Thanks for sharing, and if you guys want me to translate parts of the articles just let me know. :bigsmile:
Thanks for that link!
I tried to find a blog or something like that but somehow missed it…
Great pics, absolutely great. Siberian plains look awesome…
August 25, 2013, 5:32pm
Now that’s a family vacation!