Looking at a new FET, built 2 X6’s from host up using everything the same except for the MOSFET, and found a pleasant surprise! It’s not a big difference, but I’m thinking in a multi emitter higher drain circumstance this new one will do even better.
2- Brand new Eagle Eye X6 hosts
2-17mm MTN FET+1 boards
2x all the FET +1 components to build a Bistro driver twice
2- XP-L V6 1A emitters
2- 20mm Noctigon mcpcb
2-identical springs
20Ga Turnigy leads the same length all around.
2- New Efest 2100mAh 38A cells
The two MOSFET’s are both from Vishay, the SiR800DP that I discovered back when we first started building FET drivers, with Wight’s guidance in what to look for. And I tried the SiR404DP at Comfychair’s urging, find it somewhat confusing, perhaps more sensitive to heat. And now this new tech SiRA20DP with a bit lower Rds On time.
Built up both drivers and completed the lights with no spring bypasses at all, started testing a bit…
5.49A on Turbo for 1449 Lumens………….4.54A on Turbo for 1393.8 Lumens
5.39A on Turbo for 1435.2 Lumens……….4.34A on Turbo for 1421.4 Lumens
Swap cells
4.76A on Turbo for 1431.75 Lumens………4.75A on Turbo for 1404.15 Lumens
5.68A on Turbo for 1442.10 Lumens………4.77A on Turbo for 1407.6 Lumens
5.33A average for 1439.59 Lumens……….4.6A average for 1406.74 Lumens
So the mean difference was the SiR800DP used 0.73A more current to produce 32.85 more lumens.
Then I went and bypassed the springs. Through board at tail cap and 20Ga all around.
6.08A on Turbo for 1904.4 Lumens……5.82A on Turbo for 1918.2 Lumens!
The emitters are old stock XP-L V6 1A’s, not the newer W2 or XP-L2 versions, so it was a big surprise to see 1900 lumens from these X6’s! As you can plainly see, the A20 keeps up with the 800 while burning less of the cell and at higher amps even surpasses the venerable 800 in output while staying below it still in current draw!
Now I just HAVE to build a triple and see what the new FET does with that!
Thought some of y’all might like to hear this, it was an interesting afternoon anyway.
Thanks for checking it out…
Edit: Checked out what an Efest 35A would do, along with a Samsung 30Q, each reading had the cells fresh off the charger…
5.75A on a 30Q for 1814.7 Lumens………5.72A on a 30Q for 1852.65 Lumens
5.62A on a 35A for 1790.55 Lumens…….5.47A on a 35A for 1787.1 Lumens
So max Lumens was achieved with the Efest 2100mAh 38A cell. With the lower capacity of this cell, the new A20 MOSFET has that bit of savings in amp draw that will make a difference. Interesting anyway, still want to see how it compares on the higher demands of a triple…