Looking for 1-4x18650, USB-in-out flashlight/headlamp for camping/cycling

So the requirements are:

  • 1-4x 18650 cells
  • Suitable throw for cycling and camping
  • Charges via USB
  • Can be used as a USB power bank. 1-2.1A is ok.
  • CC/CV charging + cell balancing would be nice.

So far I have found Zerohour XS which is nice but way too expensive for my taste.
Better: SingFire SF-349
Also: SingFire SF-370
I just now also found JKK18 and JKK35 - they look super, anyone with experience and willing to share (also how it would fit my use case)?

EDIT: Headlamps! Found Fenix HP30 but its USB-out only - no charging. I think in this case the lamp should be disconnectable from the battery. Recommendations?
EDIT2: What about this batteryless-USB-powered headlamp Then I would only need to find a more rugged powerbank with 5V 2.1A output and a belt clip :slight_smile:

JKK18 maybe.