looking for a 2/3 cell buck driver

After searching on here for a while, I couldn’t find a good 2/3 cell buck driver for one xml that was reliable, had decent modes, and was under 3a to the led.

I am planing to put this in a p-60 style assembly, but larger:

Because of the heatsinking limitations, I am trying to go for a conservative number of amps. It is okay if it doesn’t fit in the driver cavity. no blinky modes is a definite plus.

I don’t know if I am searching wrong, but I can’t find a driver that fits those limitations. A product link would be helpful, but even a arrow in the right direction will work for me.

Consider resistor-modding one of the LDCH drivers for lower current. LD-2C or LD-29.


Those handle heat fine, no reason to limit it. The reflector is beefy and has good contact with the head. You can also make a copper spacer to fill the space between the pill and the bottom of the head/front face of the battery tube.

I did a little leg work, and came up with these:


^this one fits the bill perfectly^

^remove some of the pile of resistors, current drops^

^might be resistor moddable^


^does not fit cavity at all, but might be an alternative if size is no issue.^