Looking for a good 1x18650 EDC / laptop bag light

So I have all these 18650 cells kicking around and no lights to use them in. I’m going to be getting a multi-cell mondo photon cannon of some sort, but I also want to get a 1x18650 EDC light that I can throw in a pocket or my slim laptop bag. I’d like something with at least high and low modes. Memory isn’t critical. One light that I’m looking at hard is this one:


I like the sleek design that won’t snag or poke when it’s in a pocket, and that has a tail allowing it to stand up. Yes, I know a 18650 light will be bigger than a AA light, but I already have some of those. :slight_smile:

So I put it to the hive mind…is there a better fit for my needs out there?


I have that light - I built up a host but its essentially the same, you really can’t go wrong, xp-g for throw, xm-l for flood, if your talking laptop bags, I’m hazarding a guess you might be a computer guy, maybe neutral white (nw) would be better for cable colour is.

Anyway, its my edc, real well made light, good orings, just needs a bit of grease/lube on the tailcap threads to make it lovely, otherwise, it rocks as a light. Nice floody beam, diffused hotspot if you look up the nanjg driver you can configure it as suits with a blob of solder here and there.

That EDC at IOS is hard to beat, Gotta love being able to choose color, LED tint and modes. All that for $26.00.

CNQG today, also had some OEM lights similar to the EDC and Roche types.
Also some choices for tint, modes etc….

Thanks for the feedback. How big of a difference is there in the light pattern between the XM-L and XP-G with that reflector?

I got the EDC from IOS in gray, U2. Very nice! I mod'ed it up to 2.8A from original 2.5A, so doubles as a short-term hand warmer! Stock it's bright enough, SS bezel to protect the front end, but it does get warm on high, even at 2.5A. I'm using it in 3 modes, nicely spread out.

I just got the D25LC2 Clicky (U2) from EagleTac for around $60 on amazon. Great light and the interface is nearly perfect. Tighten head and click = Turbo. Loosen head and turn on = low. tap switch to get other modes.

It is small with a great clip and lanyard.

More than likely, not that much, I got an orange peel reflector, I have an xm-l. It’s flioody, xp-g2 should throw but your talking a tiny reflector, the xp-g just swaps high brightness for run time on high, since I just run on low, I cant see the benefit, I want flood over throw.

Yeah, for me flood is more important than throw with this light…mostly it will be used for finding my keys, etc. :slight_smile: