I have a mini 01 on my keys and it works perfect but as I have tons of 18650 lights and still use this small one most ,I want to add another small light on my to buy list.
The mini 01 is 65mm long and 20mm thick and because of the stainless steel body and hole on the end made for keys. Around 400 Lumen bright and switches on in high, no memory, I like this very much.
The eye10/rrt01/v11r are all 80mm long, I could live with a bit more thickness if they are 18350 compatible but 20mm longer is a lot on something you carry all the time on the keys.
And of course they are very expensive, especially the titanium versions which would be better because the keys scratch anodizement over the time. If the titanium/steel version of such a light would be around 50$ I would buy one but that is just a dream…
The cqg bullet
seems to be the only thing which fits …but it lacks on brightness and the circuit with led on it is nothing which I really like or think that it is modeable…
Has someone another candidate which fits the bill? Any useful hint is welcome.