I want to build my first flashlight and I’m hoping to make a decent budget thrower. It has to be something fairly simple to work on and find drivers for. Most likely I will be putting in a U3 with around a 3,000mA driver. Oh and dual 18650’s preferred but not mandatory.
Thanks for the suggestion I have seen that one. However, I prefer to stick with the rechargeables I have and there is no home depot around here. Maybe once a year I get to a city that has one but not often.
I would order that Small sun from wallbuys but they ticked me off by not delivering the last light I bought and making me file with paypal. It’s also kind of a shame to rip it apart when it already works fine the way it is.
im real happy with the way my zy-t13 with collimator head came out. i have $55 into it, but i bought the small sun off ebay and you can get it cheaper other places. also there is an aspheric lens that will fit the stock head, bringing the budget down even further.
thing is, i dont think there will be an easy way to swap the driver… that is the only down side for me. but there is an easy way to change how much amps it will push
the zy-t08 is another one to look at if you like that form factor more. again, driver…
edit: actually it is about $60 i have in it. i scavenged a xre ez900 out of a cheap ebay zoomie for it too.
I have a zy-t08 and I like it a lot. I thought about working on it, but I don’t want to risk messing up the only real thrower I have. My hope was to find a host that someone had scavaged from and no longer wanted.
Mag 2d actually sounds cool. I will look into that.
I’ll let you know on the battery check. I did get the flashlights you sent so that was all good. I sold the lantern and I’m keeping the zoomie. I actually like it, it’s not bad for a zoomie. Now I need a project to use the copper sink pad with.
Well, that last part isn’t a big problem if someone will buy and ship. You can use rechargeable 18650s with a little adaptation, plus still have the Cs for backup.
Plus it has been reported you can run an A8 body if you wanted 26650.
All of this in the DST thread. Wipes out my T6 (56mm OD) sized and smaller head lights.