looking for best deal on Ultrafire 502B Cree XML U2

these are for xmas presents and so far lightmall @$11.20 shipped seems the best deal.



did i mention that i need the pocket clip as well?


Just make sure you land a deal with good batteries and charger as well. That does sound like the best deal to me. I can’t spot any cheaper right now.

thanks rusty, my son is going to gift the others with batteries and charger.


I am looking for a beater light(have a thread on it) to use and came across this too, the 502b, and i found it on amazon for $11.29
is it really a xml t6? not 100% sure since amazon has so many sellers

(5 mode)

it also has a 3 mode (supposedly) for around 10 and change, and has a USA seller for 11.32+FS

i expect they are both t6 lights and amazon will stand behind them. i was looking for a u2 rather than a t6. i have had several of these lights and for the most part have either been lost or given away before they had any problems. not the floodiest or the best thrower but for edc, for the money pretty good imo.


What is the difference between the Ultrafire 501B and the 502B