so in my quest to find the perfect edc. this ui is almost perfect for me. if it could support .08-4.2 i could build my grail light, but this is as close as i have ever seen. is dr jones still on blf? here is the link
these driver are freaking sick especially mokkadrv. i really hope he is still on here
Yep, he is still on here. However, it would requires a boost driver to pull that off. I've never seen an attiny13a (what his drivers and almost all 105C 7135 drivers are based on) based boost driver.
Unless he’s vanished in the last few weeks he’s definitely still around!
Just send a PM to DrJones stating your request and he’ll sort you out, I have the MokkaDRV firmware in my Courui thrower and it’s fantastic. Joy to use every time
dam you guys are quick. pm sent. why dont any companies make a ui like this instant access to high and low no twisting and with a rear clicky? programability aside, very simple click for high, hold for low then just cycle lmhlmh. i must be the minority. ZL is close but do you really need High 1 high 2 med 1 ect. the hold for voltage reading, hidden strobe, and low battery monitoring is just icing on the cake.
Have you ever used a ZL? You don’t cycle threw two highs, two mediums and two lows, you set it to one or the other then just cycle L-M-H with instant access to L, M or H. Short click starts on H, long click starts on L and double click starts on M.
Also four clicks for battery level, triple click for strobe, hold for L~~M~~>H ramping. At any level you can double click for the alternate level (which is selectable). Not trying to turn you off of a Dr Jones driver at all, I always advocate supporting our members by the ZL UI is pretty amazing, hands down the best off the shelf UI on any brand light. I just wish we could get it in a driver for DIY.
ruh-roh raggy, his website seems to have stopped working…
If you wish to view this 1.5v project on the “other” site * shudder *, it is actually pretty cool. seems like the best of both worlds in terms of battery compatibility.
Actually I am sure with a schematic, Mattaus can whip out a 15mm and 17mm board toot sweet, maybe even mate it up to a ATtiny13 and give us ALOT more modes
All the best to the three of you for the up coming new arrival. We got spoilt by the first and turned into a train wreck from the second. The third made it all worth while.