looking for extrafire flashlight, very good mine broke
A few more details would help us help you.
this is a compact flashlight, says extrabrite inscribed on one side, and
model ZF251 (maybe, hard to read, the markings are faded, bought from a sidewalk vendor)
small, 1 AA battery, zoom focus, about 3” by 1” cylinder, the zoom is VERY nice
This was ideal, small and powerful, and has failed, some internal mechanism, a sort of toggle between bright/ dim/ strobe
and equivalent replacements are MUCH bigger, this is the only website that even mentions this brand name, which is probably a knockoff of ultrabrite, google returns ultrabrite when it is asked fior extrabrite
Sounds like the ultra fire sk68 exactly that size and exactly that user interface.
Probably the switch failed. Honestly they are very cheap lights you can get 5 of them for 20 dollars or less off eBay or amazon
wherever i’ve looked there is something not right, bigger and clunkier
this is ergonomically optimal, I’ve gotten some others, bad fit, bigger than my pockrt
I’ll look again, tx
Something like this?
Is it something like this?
looks very good, tx much
I tried to convince my mother of that when she ordered that darn TacLight zoomie thing off the TV. She loves that light, for what reason I have no idea. I offered to bring a bunch of lights over and she could play with them and keep the one or two she wanted. Nope, she was having none of that. So I got her a few of the ones that look exactly like those TV lights for a quarter of the price. She’s as happy as happy can be now. Has them near every door in the house, in the garage, and in the car. Oh well saved me a few bucks and she’s happy.