Looking for help with a driver swap on an iTP RO1

I have an iTP RO1 that I use every day for work. I love the light, the size and output are perfect for my use and the fact that I can charge it off the USB port in my car on the way home is great.

Last weekend I swapped the XP-E out for an XP-G2 which made it even better. The light currently draws about 700ma, I’d like to swap the driver with a 3 mode. Idealy around 1.5a high, 700ma medium and not sure on the low, something for close up work that’s not blinding.

The problem is that this light uses a strange battery configuration. I believe it is a modified 18500 that goes in the light backwards. The negative end of the battery faces the head of the light and positive contacts the tailcap. The positive end of the battery has some sort of circuit board on it, the center of the battery has a flush positive post and a flush negative ring around it. There are two springs, one inside the other that contact both positive and negative on the battery.

I hate to exhibit my ignorance but I’m not even sure if the driver is in the pill or the tailcap. Has anyone swapped the driver in one of these lights? Sorry I don’t have any pictures right now but I can put some up tomorrow.



I’ll try one more time with a few pictures. It looks like the driver is in the tailcap, 22mm.

The back of the pill, I think it’s just a set of contacts with + on the outer ring and - the center spring.

The body acts as the + path to the driver.

I doubt there are other drivers out there with the dual spring set up.