Today I made a lucky find. Upon taking over the position as second engineer on a merchant vessel I have not been on before I inspected the cabin I am to stay in for the next months. Inside a drawer I found a bunch of dismantled and cannibalized electronics. So I start gathering the crap together to put in in the recycle bins we have on board for electronic garbage. Almost finished I lift up an old Dell keyboard with some of the keys missing and the electrical cord damaged and under it sits an old laptop battery! Yippee :-)
I've never salvaged much cells so I am a little vary about doing anything to it. But after the initial reluctance I tore into it. Turns out it is a 2008 Helwlett-Packard battery with a nominal voltage of 10,8.
I break it open after much mucking about and initial reluctance against using force. But in the end I found it to be totally glued up everywhere.
Got it apart with a flathead screwdriver and a knife. And out comes 6 cells marked ICR18650-26C Samsung SD1 7C2. They all hold a voltage of exactly 3,77 V. WOOT!
Just had to share this as I've never actually pulled anything useful such endeavors! Thanks for reading :-)
Thank you very much for setting this clear scaru !
I should have asked for the price of the battery packs I saw on the flea market.
There was one with “Li-Ion 10.8V 5000mah” written on it, I will keep my eyes open the next time.
I just did some more research and as I understand it the eagletacs use Panazonic CGR18650E which have a nominal capacity of 2550 mah. They must have decided to just write 2500. So maybe that is what the 5000 mah pack contains.