Lucky battery find - 6* 18650 2600 mAh :-)

Today I made a lucky find. Upon taking over the position as second engineer on a merchant vessel I have not been on before I inspected the cabin I am to stay in for the next months. Inside a drawer I found a bunch of dismantled and cannibalized electronics. So I start gathering the crap together to put in in the recycle bins we have on board for electronic garbage. Almost finished I lift up an old Dell keyboard with some of the keys missing and the electrical cord damaged and under it sits an old laptop battery! Yippee :-)

I've never salvaged much cells so I am a little vary about doing anything to it. But after the initial reluctance I tore into it. Turns out it is a 2008 Helwlett-Packard battery with a nominal voltage of 10,8.

I break it open after much mucking about and initial reluctance against using force. But in the end I found it to be totally glued up everywhere.

Got it apart with a flathead screwdriver and a knife. And out comes 6 cells marked ICR18650-26C Samsung SD1 7C2. They all hold a voltage of exactly 3,77 V. WOOT!

Just had to share this as I've never actually pulled anything useful such endeavors! Thanks for reading :-)

Awesome find !

I visited the local flea market today and stumbled over a few laptop battery packs put I didn’t pull the trigger.

Can you specify what was written on the battery pack?

was it 10.8V and 5200mah or 10.8V and 7800mah ?

5200 mah, if it was 7800 that would be 9 cells.

TY and yes I thought so :-) Thats why I couldn't contain myself WOOT!

The label reads:

Hewlett-Packard Company + bla bla bla, bla bla warning bla bla, dont eat bla.

10,8V DC 55Wh

Store between 0°C to 60°C

A whole bunch of icons/pictographs and "Li-ion" in one corner.

Huh, they seem to have under rated the pack. 55/10.8=5.09 or 5090 mah when it should be 5200.

Thank you very much for setting this clear scaru !

I should have asked for the price of the battery packs I saw on the flea market.
There was one with “Li-Ion 10.8V 5000mah” written on it, I will keep my eyes open the next time.

Happy to help. :D Yours will most likely have 2600 mah cells as there is no such thing as a 2500 mah 18650. (No one has ever made any)

You’re not the first person who said this to me.

I’m curious why Eagletac sells 18650 2500mah, is it because 2500 is the minimum capacity of 2600mah cells ?
(read guaranteed capacity)

I just did some more research and as I understand it the eagletacs use Panazonic CGR18650E which have a nominal capacity of 2550 mah. They must have decided to just write 2500. So maybe that is what the 5000 mah pack contains.

Wow, thanks again !

Now I know what cell is working in my eagletac’s most likely.

No problem. Here the data sheet is.