I bought this one years ago for my Mum which has been going strong, till it just died.
It’s the original 1 mode, not the digital version.
I have tried to take the pill apart (as we do) but it appears to be solid white epoxy or something.
The LED is OK, so it’s just the driver, but as I said I can’t get to it.
any suggestions as to a screw in replacement for the old pill please?
As I can get the pill out and have access to the top where the LED is, the connecting wires are available so I put voltage across the LED and it lights.
Ok, sorry for asking and thanks for clarifying. Maybe you can post some pics of the pill at different angles?
I worked on a couple of Tiablos awhile ago, where the pill (light engine) sounds like yours. It was filled with some white stuff, something like Fujik, I think.
The only thing that I could do was poke something through the holes on the emitter end through and push the contact board out. Those lights had the driver board INSIDE the engine, so I had to use the screwdriver and a hammer to crack the PCB in half, and then pull the pieces out.
After that, I was able to install a “normal” replacement driver and replace the emitter also.