Does anyone have both the Lumintop EDC25 and the Eagle Eye X5R and have a preference for one or the other? I’m trying to pick between the two - any help is appreciated!
I have already have X5R. Although I had issue with it I like the light and probably byu another one. What features it has:
budget price
best all purpose form factor
tactical look with steel atack corona
well spaced mods
Candel capability
Neutral white color temperature
Choice between XPL HI or XM-L2
Thanks for the feedback on the X5R. The Lumintop is a bit pricier, but I like how it hides the charging port in the threads as opposed to using a rubber cover.
Yes, USB port and side switch are not well waterproof and I probably will order X5 - the model without USB.
I like Lumnitop too, but prefer to have: NW tint, steel attack corona, candel capability and that is way choose Eagle Eye.
If Lumnitop offer NW version I will bye for sure. Lumnitop price are very competitive and quality is good.