Buy both, and then decide which one you want to give to a friend, and which one you want to keep. The triple small, shallow reflectored 50.2 light is a lot more floody than the single SBT90.2 light, which in turn is a lot more throwey.
Wide and short beam, or skinny and long beam. That is the question.
I’ll second that, I always find your videos interesting and useful when considering a light.
I have the FW21 pro and have been considering the X9l for a while, the price and Xmas coming has delayed me pushing the button. They are very different beams. FW21 pro is very floody and although I’ve seen throw claims of 325m, I don’t think so even with all those lumens. According to the reviews I’ve seen, X9L has great throw and enough spill to be useful, (but not ideal) at closer range. I really want It.
If I could do it over and had to choose between the 2 I’d likely choose the X9L even with the price difference. My personal preference, yours may differ.
i only have the fw21 pro. ithink its a great light, dont have the other i think its too expensive imo and im not sure i need such a led i have plenty of throwers already i think more use of a more floody beam or something…
Does anyone know how easy these are to accidentally activate?
I’m having real issues with my Noctigon KR1. When I carry it clipped to my jeans pocket, it keeps turning on. I think when I sit or get in a car, the button gets gently pushed by my clothing. Never had this issue on other tail clicky lights. But I’d hate to spend out on the FW21 to find the same issue.
IMO, the FW21 Pro is Really easy to trigger, you`ll need to tail-cap lock out for EDC. it`s a flush mounted flat metal tail switch that`s about as easy to press as the keys on your keyboard and just as quiet.
I have both and love both, but if I only hd to have one of defintely take the X9L, because of versaitity and it’s impressiveness. Like I said I Love both but the pro could be replaced with say the mf01 mini, in terms of output. I de domed my pro and I like that more, but it was fine before too. The X9L is just an impressive little light. Might be too much power for a little light but I don’t own anything like it and I have to imagine there’s not anything too much like it. Maybe the amutorch xt45, which also is a little less expensive, but I don’t own that to compare… anyway you would be happy with both.
That might be the case I agree it is a possibility. And I only have a sample of one to look at.
But there doesn’t seem anything obviously wrong with it. The switch has very short travel and is only just recessed enough to allow stable tailstanding. Although when tailstanding you can push down a very small amount and feel the switch move, but not enough to to do anything.
However, it does confirm the switch is not suitably recessed from a design point of view. I believe it is this combined with the short travel that are the issue.
I have approx 30 other lights I EDC on a regular basis. None of them with mechanical tail switches have ever caused an issue in almost a decade of carry.
I don’t have many electronic tail switch lights. The only other one is my Maglite XL200. The switch feels similar weight/effort to depress (maybe every so slightly heavier on the Mag, but really close). The Mags switch is more domed. So the edges are recessed further, but the dome of the switch isn’t.
The KR1 switch does have a small amount of wobble movement if you press it on an edge.
Very very occasionally will the Mag turn on by accident. Maybe only once during an entire period of carry. The KR1 I’ve attempted to EDC 5 times and each time within less than an hour it has turned on. And sadly as a double click will take to max or turbo if a click then a double click. That seems the most frequent way it ends up being on in my pocket!!!
It is such a shame. As it is such an awesome light otherwise. But with it turning on like this it is almost junk and worthless. As it is unable to fulfil the primary role for buying it.
I did have a look at trying to access the switch, but it is either done up super tight or glues. Either way I was unable to unscrew the retaining ring and would risk damage trying any further.
A lowered switch or raised edge around the switch might well solve this. But I dount there really is much I can do personally to “fix” the design flaw.
I would be mortified however to buy something like the 9XL, which is pretty pricey to me. Only to find out it too was useless as an EDC light.
^ I had to do the o-ring trick (replace plastic nub in the button with a small o-ring) on my X9L before I was comfortable carrying it in a jacket pocket. No issues now.
^ My KR4, KR1, FW3a, Pro 21, all Pro X9L accidentally turn on when i sit in my car and they are clipped in my pocket. Though, my FW3a does not as bad because of deep carry clip and i did the O-ring button mod - but i hate how the switch feels now and am just too lazy to take it apart again to switch it back. All of my aforementioned light turns on because my seatbelt holder hits them square on, they are just in the right spot bc none of them don’t have deep carry clips. KR4 and KR1 deep clips on the way though.
I have grown accustomed to just unscrewing the head on all 5 lights when they are in my pocket and i am either getting into the car or working with a tool belt. actually i usually just have the head untwisted a 1/4 turn while carrying all of them and now it is second nature just to twist it before turning the light on. Really is not as much of a bother as it sounds. That o-ring mod just takes the life out of a really nice feeling tail switch IMO.
I agree. Im not a huge fan of it but I’ve found it necessary if I want to carry it without locking it out. I like the raised switch ring on the D4V2 and wish the X9L could have something similar.
Yea something raised on the tail switch of these multiple tail switch lights would be great. Or even making the tail switch button much more recessed would be great.