First off, I am not related to or affiliated with the company listed below in any way.
Second, This is not related to flashlights in any way…. sorry about that
BUT for all you gun owners who are looking for a great deal on some Magpul Pmags for your AR-15 I stumbled accross an awesome deal over at Hamlund Tactical
They are located in Round Rock Texas just north of Austin, and their shipping is crazy-fast!
The deal on the magazines is $9.99 for 30 rounders (or 10 round CA legal) in any color! Just scroll down on the link up above.
Lowest I have seen other than this is over on Botach, they have them for $12.30.
I just thought I would be friendly and share the info!
Thanks, that is a great deal Oatmeal, but the only question I would have is, “Is Hamlund as horrible to deal with as Botach?”. Because for that kind of aggravation, I’d rather pay full price.