Hey guys I really want to buy the 980l but am afraid i'll get burned again with a crappy driver..I checked the driver pictures and the 980l looks to have the same driver as the t6 drop-in..that and they are the same modes also..anyone that has the t6 drop-in care to confirm by sight? the picture of the t6 drop-in is pretty bad..mouse over is the 980l..mouse off is the drop-in
My T6 dropin's driver looks the same colour as the 980l one, but not as much like your T6 dropin picture. However, it has the same number of holes (3) in the outer ring as your dropin picture. The lettering on my dropin is better than that in the picture. I've no issues with my dropin despite several cells having been fully drained by it.
yeah the drop-in picture looks underexposed or beat up or something..I too counted the holes and the profile of the driver and found them matching..I went ahead and ordered the light..worse case scenario I can upgrade to a kd 2.8 driver..but i'm hoping it is the drop-in driver and runs ~3 amps..
thanks for the input Don..i'll have a full review of the light in a couple of weeks..