Mass flashlight storage

Some of us flashaholics have more than a few flashlights. Some of us, cough especially those lumatics who have around 999 posts cough, buy them in bulk. As my own collection piles up in various locations around, under, and thru my house, car and work, I’m wondering how you guys prefer to store your flashlights? Curio cases? Racks? Batteries in or batteries out?

Ive got a few ape cases I use - I get them for free ($60 normally) using amazon reward points.

I usually keep batteries separate if they are lithiums

I keep all mine in my curio!!

Holy crap

That curio cabinet makes me feel all warm & fuzzy.

My name is, (insert name here),and I am a hoarder. :bigsmile:

Hehe, I don’t think it’s hoarding if you actively use them. If you don’t use them, PM me for S&H and I’ll be happy to use them for you :bigsmile:

Just kidding. I’m on my way to a bit of a collection myself. I’ve got to quit the, that’s a great deal , I better get two theory. Oh wait, I just ordered two EA4’s. Damn :open_mouth:

HOLY… geeeezus :smiley:

Without an electrical outlet nearby to light his wife’s Chinaware from the curio’s lighting electrical cord, rikr said,

“Don’t worry honey, I’ll figure out something.”

The problem was partially solved.

Amen! :wink:

Seriously? Wow…are you married? :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope!! :bigsmile:

I keep mine spread around the house, although the spread is nor even,
about half are within arms reach from my desk/computer.

I have discovered that if i display/store them i stop using/playing with them.
(i have a few stored, mostly AAA lights)

All of my flashlights are loaded with Li-ion’s but hey i only have 40 to 50 lights.

keep mine on a shelf by my front door.

dont mine the hideous curtains… t hey were here when we moved in.
not much of a collection…
trustfire tf-r2, uniquefire c108, ultrafire 502b, energizer 1w tactical, energizer high intensity, mxdl 3w mini, romisen rc-c8 AA clone, mag 2d led, mag 3d incan

not seen is energizer ultimate lithium 2xAA, coast freebie (kids sent it MIA somewhere in the house), mag 4d incan… and im sure a few others

Problem solved :wink:

I have to keep my collection out of sight just in case my wife finds out how many flashlights I really have (50+). It will be hard to explain the Thrunite TN31 that is about to arrive though. :bigsmile:

You can tell that you don’t live in California, those two tip heavy Mag-lights standing up over that glass globe clock, wouldn’t last long forever, out here. Meaning the clock wouldn’t last.

nope, complete opposite side of the country. we do get earthquakes though.,0,4237921.story

i live quite a ways from waterboro (i actually did live there for a while), and it felt like a freight train was going through my back yard (the 4.0 one. didnt feel the other)

Ditto! :open_mouth:

I keep them in drawers on my hall. But need more space, because they are full now.