Maxtoch produce new range of Maxtrac hunting lights

Earlier this year Maxtoch did some research with New Zealand hunters to develop a new range of Maxtrac hunting lights for the world market. We tested a dozen or so and settled on 7-8 ideally suited for hunting use. they include:

  • the SN6X-2 (also known as STL-V2) - a superb hunter
  • The TA6X-7 in 1 or 2 battery form with both red and green slip-on lens caps
  • a fine little XML headlamp in the HE6X-2
  • a range of single batt rifle mounted lights

All use 18650 batts, and after testing all performed very well. Well made product. Now coming on stream worldwide through Aibaba and Aliexpress .


They have also introduced Galuxia lights - another new range with some interesting looking lights: