Maybe old news, but a different DTP star manufacturer. Not DTP!

These appeared in my Mouser email today. They are aluminum DTP starts that support many different LED’s and also multiple LED’s on rectangle DTP mounts.


Where does that say they are DTP? I couldn’t find mention of it.

Bergquist mcpcb’s are supposed to be good quality, but in your link it says nowhere that they are DTP. Instead they call it ‘insulated metal substrate’ which may suggest the opposite.

Yeah, looks to me that it claims a thermally conductive dialectric layer. Better than the old dialectric, but not as good as DTP, I think. Still, it would be perfect for LEDs that don’t have a separate, electrically neutral thermal pad.

Yup, I read to much into the marketing hype! They are not DTP but a different layer of supposedly a better heat conductor…

More info:

Sorry guys and gals!

…which is still interesting for some leds, the Oslon Black series can not easy be used on the DTP boards because the thermal pad is connected to the led+, Oslon Blacks are the go-to infrared leds, and the Black Flat leds have superior luminance. A non-DTP board with superior dielectric layer is a great solution