Does anyone have a good USA source for the Mcclickie silicone boots… or one that fits good?? Somehow I have 4 of these without boots!!!
Thanks. Dan.
Does anyone have a good USA source for the Mcclickie silicone boots… or one that fits good?? Somehow I have 4 of these without boots!!!
Thanks. Dan.
Lighthound! Fast shipping to boot!
$0.99 but currently out of stock
$0.99 and in stock
$0.99 and in stock
$1.99 and also in stock
This is what you are looking for right?
They also have a hard-press option here
this one is $1.99 and in stock as it shows
Thanks Tactical, I had found those and thats what I wanted…. then, I found this one…. so it made me wonder if the others would fit. I don’t mind the 1.99 too bad but the 4.00 each is a little high…. Do you think the colored ones or the hard press will fit???
Thanks! Dan
Thanks Tactical, I had found those and thats what I wanted…. then, I found this one…. so it made me wonder if the others would fit. I don’t mind the 1.99 too bad but the 4.00 each is a little high…. Do you think the colored ones or the hard press will fit???
Thanks! Dan
I would email them just to be sure. I am certain that they know the answer to that… (as I’m sure they get asked that frequently)
I did. They say they will fit perfectly. We’ll know about Tuesday, thats when they arrive. I’ll post the real results here when I know for sure. I appreciate the help!!! Many Thanks. Dan
Sure thing! Let me know how it/they work out!