Well it’s been a long day, currently 9.30pm Xmas day here. I was given a beautiful Husky x German Shepherd dog - after having to put my Huntaway down a couple of Fridays ago, he had cancer very sad he was my best friend :_( . Anyway, I digress, I can now take her out night-walking as it’s summer down my ways, although it has been raining all day today :bigsmile: I wish to buy a larger 18650 powered torch, and would like to hear your thoughts & suggestions for a sub-$50 torch please ??? I would go up a bit for something special . I do like the multi-emitter type set-ups.
I need runtime consideration, many lumens, and a large flood pattern.
Thanks in advance - I know I am asking the right bunch, who will know what is reliable.
I’ll agree with JohnnyMac, an SRK would be an excellent choice. I have one in the mail, and although I can’t personally vouch for it, tons of people here love them. Just be sure to get a known good one as knockoffs are plentiful and almost as pricey.
Another favorite of mine is the TrustFire TR-3t6 which will run on a huge variety of batteries and makes 1300-1400 actual lumens stock. Again, be sure to get a good one as a lot of the knockoffs don’t include both extension tubes.
Thanks all, I have looked at the suggestions all of them would sure fit the bill. JohnnyMac, I gather that link is a genuine King ? I would assume it is, you guys know your stuff 0:) Looking around, the prices / specs for the ‘King’ vary quite a bit. If I decide on one, I would buy from JohnnyMac’s link - can’t run the risk of a knock-off.
By what you’re saying, I can tell that the J18 would be just for the light for you. They are more than $50 though, no one gives ’em away, that’s for sure!
I just had a look at that light, cheers. Looks like a killer, quite a bit larger ( longer ) than a ‘King’. It appears I cannot get one ( in NZ dollars ) much under the $100 mark :~ . Appreciate the suggestion, and maybe one day I’ll up with the ‘big-boys’ and own something like that. I see there is a 15 emitter torch - man that would nail even the J18 ? but by how much? Anyone here have a huge 15 emitter torch ???
Plenty have bought it and hopefully one of them will see this and comment on it. My King is one of the originals from when they were first released on the market (bought it from CNQG) and before the knockoffs hit. Odds are it is a clone of some sort but the important question is if it has the three torroid driver in it. For the best bet on getting a real SRK you should go to Fancyflashlights/CNQG where the price is a little more but it should be the real McCoy. The Kung (the 4 emitter version of the King) is the same price.
First thing is first, can you drive a soldering iron? opens the options right up.
Do you just want it for walking in the open, or in the bush, any coon shooting?
You only need one xml2 driven reasonably to go for a walk, multi emitters are going to half, third, quarter etc your runtime each time you add another one.
For walking you want flood, which means a smaller reflector/s. The bigger, wider, deeper the reflector is, the more light gets focused.
I currently have a good single xml-t6 w/ 44mm head, takes 1 or 2 18650’s. Has 5 modes, and good long range beam. I will be out in a mixture of both open-wide, and tight bush tracks around Dunedin area. So I thought it was time to upgrade ! I hear your deal with runtime decreasing, as the emitters get more plentiful - so maybe a 3 led king is the best idea !! anything bigger would cut my night short… cheers for suggestion none the less.
Yeah sounds like the SRK would suit you, just throwing it out there
The Eagletac has a nice small head, so wont throw as far as your 44mm torch. Its listed at 7000 cd, and a 44mm driven to 3a would be around 25,000 - 30,000 cd, so you can expect maybe a 5x bigger spot?
I need a king next, ive put it off for so long because I have no use for it, but would be cool to have one in the stable
Totally agree.
I have kind of always wanted a powerhouse torch to stun possums for night shoots. I guess once I’ve got a new torch, I will look at the option of a long range sst-90 or similar.
I feel the king will do me for now…. I’m 99% tempted.