Message for our Chinese Sellers

I have one message for our Chinese suppliers: “Gong Hey Fat Choy” (恭禧发财).

And want to convey our best wishes for a prosperous Year of the Horse.

Oh, make that 2 messages, this one is just from me BTW: “Hong Bao Na Lai?” (Perhaps change Red Envelope to ‘T5 Emitter’ though, as I don’t know how to say ‘T5 Emitter’).

+1 I hope they all have a safe and happy holiday. They all get a lot of praise and a lot of flack here, but I sure as heck would never want to be in their shoes and have to deal with the likes of us every day.

Happy chinese new year.
I will celebrate it too.
This is probably the only vacation this year for most chinese worker.

It is still much better to have to “deal with us”(if you own that ebay shop that is) than endure hours of torture in chinese factories.

Have a great holiday!

Happy Lunar New Year to our Chinese flashlight vendors and BLF members! Ma Dao Cheng Gong, in Chinese 马到成功 means ‘win success immediately upon arrival’. :slight_smile:

祝大家马年福安, 生意兴隆, 一本万利, 一馬當先, Coupon 一个来!