Michigan checking in


New to BLF, and from some reading I have done, I’m not as much of a addict as some of you… but I am lost without a light in my pocket.

That EDC light is what brings me here. For years, I’ve carried a Quark Pro (CR123). It still works even though it has lots of scars. I realized this weekend that the momentary and moonlight modes aren’t working, so I decided that I may shop for a new pocket light.

So I started reading here and my head is spinning! I will keep reading and start asking questions to learn what’s new out there and what I might want to be my next pocket light.


Holly, MI

Welcome Chuck. There a few Michiganders here. Don’t be in too much of a hurry if you’re only looking for a single light, there are literally hundreds depending on what exactly you’re looking for. Suggest you look into lithium ion type lights, and get yourself a good charger. That will open up all kinds possibilities you never realized you had.

Welcome aboard, Chuck!

Hi and welcome Chuck. Dont worry about not being as addicted as some as we can fix that real quick. Enjoy the stay.

Welcome to BLF Chuck! :partying_face:

Hi Chuck,

Welcome to the international LED nut hub.


It's good to have you here, ChuckH!

Hi Chuck, Welcome to the forum. There is a ton of expertise, along with plenty of friendly folks here. I happen to live about 30mi away from you (Flushing), so if I can help, let me know.