Micro giveaway: 16*AMC7135 slave boards 20mm [ended]

Someone wanted some slave boards designed and later pulled back - but I ordered a few of them anyway. But I keep only one and can give the other two away.

The rear side looks the same.

Rules: Must have joined before 01-01-2014. Just post something, only one post per user. Subscription time ends after 32 qualified posts (EDIT: or before, when I find that appropriate). I'll then flip coins to choose 2 winners.

Count me in. :slight_smile:

i am in ,great gift, thanks.


Oh, yes, definitely, thank you.

I'm in for the win.

Thanks for the give away Doc. I’m not in though for my lack of soldering skill. :stuck_out_tongue:

I really, really want one Dr.Jones. Me, me, me.
Count me in.

Please count me in. Looks sweet. Thanks.

What a wonderful way to set your house on fire…with light.

Ditto, and I wouldnt know what to do with it.

This is fast!
I am in, thanks.

Looks like a challenge, I’m in :slight_smile:

let me winnnnnnnnn :slight_smile:

Thanks Dr Jones.
Am also not in as I dont know what to do with this but just able to appreciate what modders can do with this giveaway.

One of those could come in handy for an upcoming project. I’m in, thanks!

I could use one in my courui :slight_smile:
thanks for the giveaway!


I want one I want one :smiley:

I like a challenge, count me in.