Had a gift car from DX, so though I would try an UV-emitter. I considered various drop-ins and even pre-built lights, but I wanted to make my own drop in since I wanted one that was powerful and with good modes.
I bought this emitter. The detailed review made me want one. The reviewer seemed to know his stuff. He also wrote this:
"When they become hot, the wavelenght goes to 410 nM , whenn cool is stayes below 400nM what is much less visable."
It looks like this on the back:
Mounted it on XM-L Noctigon. The UV-emitter touched both the positive and negative connection points to an XM-L. So I cut the negative and positive traces with a dremel. That way I was 100% sure it would not be a short-circuit.
Mounted it in a P60 with OP XM-L reflector. I was not able to screw the reflector that much down (due to the height of the emitter), but it worked nicely.
I made a typical 4 mode 105C I had laying that I made into a 4X350mA (1400mA total) and set up with 2 modes (I do not like the PWM whine on medium). Being a 3 watt emitter, its obviously overdriven at around 5W (assuming vf of 3,5V).
1,4A to this is a lot on high, its more UV light than I need. It might have given me a little headache, maybe i should get some glasses. The two mode setup is 10%/100%. I would like a lower low too. I plan on changing the driver to a Qlite, with 3 modes. Ill probably limit it to 3x380mA. I think that should be sweet mode-spacing for all types of use with the Qlite 100%/25%/2% mode spacing.
I can not comment on how good this emitter is compared to others since I have no experience with UV-lights. Nor can I comment on the wavelength from personal experience. I can tell you that it lights up various things very easily. Even more in real life than in these pictures:
This towel becomes extremely bright! Much brighter in real life!
Various spots that can not be seen with the eye. The below spots are not dirt, differences in plastic and various things can sometimes be seen. Also dirt a few places.
Hidden traces in money lights up nicely. Again, these are much easier to see in real life than on the pictures.
I play with it more in the future, only had it up running for 2 days so far. :)