Considering building an S2+ triple, maybe a C8 also, as my first foray into building/modding lights. (Previous experience lego-ing P60 pills).
Questions I’ve thought of so far, while browsing mtnelectronics:
When building a triple, emitters wired in parallel seems to be the standard? What scenario would series wiring be used?
In parallel, the amperage draw from the battery is equal to the sum of the amps across each emitter. So three XP-L HI at 3 amps each would need 9A from the battery? (Assuming the rest of the light can support 9A - springs bypassed, etc)
When spec’ing a driver, do you take into account losses in the circuit, and “overdrive” the LEDs assuming some amperage will be lost? For example, if I wanted to drive a triple with 1.5A across each emitter - would I spec a driver for exactly 4.5A - or spec a driver for 5A assuming there will be 10% (or whatever) loss in the system?
How can I predict what amperage from an LED, battery, and FET/DD driver? Are there high-amperage (say, 6+ amps) drivers that aren’t FET/DD designs?
How hot (and how quickly) will an S2+ light get with high amp/outputs? Or alternately, how hard could you run a light if I want it to still be hand-holdable after 3 or 4 minutes on its highest output? What about for a C8 sized light?