Moin, moin! IT guy from Northern Germany here :D

Greetings fellow Lumen addicts!

I just recently discovered the existence of this fine forum over at CPF.
Been into flashlights for several years now but never realised the potential of the budget side of the hobby. Recently started reading here and just ordered 5 lights from eBay for € 60. That is less than I paid for a single of my other lights oO

I hope to find much more insight here in the future and hope to be allowed to partake in all you knowledge! :wink:

Best regards,

s. : Moin, moin! Is from the northern German dialect and means something like Hello! or Good Morning! (in a very relaxed way) Although it’s used 24/7 usually :smiley:

Moin Moin..!

welcome aboard!

Guten morgen, ohayo gozaimasu, good morning! (German, Japanese, English)
I’m not too far away from you - I’m in the Frankfurt/Kaiserslautern area. :slight_smile:

Tag auch!
(colloqiual: Hello too!)

I’m even more near to you, I’m from the Ruhrgebiet!

Have a nice time here!
I just stumbled over this place here, too.

Gruß Julian
(Greetings Julian)

Welcome to the forum. Bienvenue.

G'day. :beer:

Môge NalOn, also from not too far. I hear you started well with your new cheap flashlight collection, hope you like it here :-)

Vielen Dank für Ihre Anmeldung, Nal0n!

My thanks for the warm welcome folks! :slight_smile:

My list of lights to get / check out is growing FAST :smiley:

Moin, viel Spaß, du kannst dem Tala-Virus nicht entkommen! 8)
:beer: :beer:

Moin moin!

my mother was born in Aurich - what did i win? :smiley:

have fun at the best place addicted to flashlights!