Mid-November my trusty Cabella’s 15 kazillion candlepower light died.
Bulb looked ok, but the lead acid battery would not take a charge (Story of my life).
Actually, I don’t remember where I got the light, but I am sure you have seen
these kinds of torches at Cabelas.
It had served me well.
I am retired, but I was able to spend some time on the web to research
a replacement. I do have a busy schedule, but I managed to squeeze this in.
God Bless Google! God Bless BLF and CLF.
I am not sure why, but I had a stash of over a dozen D-cell batteries. So, I started my
adventure thinking D-cell spot light! Remember, I am retired (think OLD).
Well, that did not work out. I ended up with a Thrunite TN31, screw the D-cells:)
This is not your father’s flashlight. Or, in other words, WOW!
Also, I might have purchased a few other lights to keep me up at night. Or, to
help me out when I get up at night. I even attached a couple of the lights
to the brim of baseball caps just in case I get a cameo on “The Big Bang Theory.”
Note that this list is not as bad as it appears. I purchased the Streamlights, INOVA and Duracell in 2006 (yes, I have the receipts). Also, a couple of the lights listed have not been delivered yet.
The mindmap was easy to do. I used a program called Freemind that is
an open source application available for Windows, Mac OS/X and Linux.
I have it for both OS/X and Linux.
Once you create the mindmap, Freemind has an export function that allows
you to generate a clickable html file (with supporting files). I export to my
public dropbox folder. Then, if you right click on the html file, a dropbox option
allows you to copy the external URL.
Very easy. I understand that you can publish web pages on Google Drive as well,
but it did not seem straight forward.