Moonlight Flicker

I built a new light today…Convoy M1 with a MT-G2 and a quite driver with 16 x 7135s and a Zener mod. I’m using 2 Efest 18350s to power it. Moonlight worked just fine the very first time the light was turned on but now it flickers…only on moonlight…any ideas?

DJ, I just finished building an SK98? (18650) with a KD 7135x8 driver running nlite. The ML mode on it does that as well. I am not sure what is up, I also loose ML if I let the light get hot. When it cools I get ML back… Very frustrating.

I think I may try changing the firmware, ML may be to low and the LED does not like it. But, it did it with an XM-L2 and XP-L.

Star firmware is on this driver…wonder if I can ground a star to get rid of moonlight?

yes you can, don’t remember which one. maybe 2…

If you’re using the 380mA 7135 chips the ML mode can flicker the 350mA chips are not suppose to do this. Just a thought.

delete my mistake

Nope…I know pwm…this is flickering and sometimes not even lighting up in moonlight.

7135 don’t use PWM.
You can drive them with PWM, but the chips themselves don’t have PWM.

thank you :slight_smile:

This driver is flashed with star off-time firmware…should star 2 be soldered to ground for moonlight to work?

Not the fix I had in mind but I grounded star 2 and it took away the flicker…along with moonlight :person_facepalming:

Same thing I had to do… It is not a terrible flicker, but to me it is a driver changing problem.

It looks like you have the 380mA 7135 chips. These can cause flicker at lower levels compared to the 350mA counterpart.