I've been planning on acid etching some flashlight clips or knife blades for quite a while and tonight decided to toss some cheap Convoy S series Stainless steel clips on the burner just for fun.
Think they came out great...they went a bit coppery then red and as they cooled they turned blue . Without the torch or a way to keep the heat very even they are a bit of a mix of browns, purple,blue and copper .they also change colors depending upon from which direction they are being viewed.
The convoy clips are very cheap and if you hate the way they turn out ... I'm sure you can sand them and then polish them back to the same color you started with .
Before baking I took and knocked down all the rough edges with a file /sandpaper and then ran a steel like a round philips head screwdriver along all edges to make them feel like you'd expect a clip to feel after 8 years in your pocket .Clean them to keep oils or something equally dumb from ruining your finish ..and.. try not to use anything abrasive to flip the clip while baking it .On the last one I did there are a few small marks from hemostats used to manipulate it in and around the coils of the burner .
Have fun and don't let your wife or kids catch you baking lights or cooking clips .
the torch seems like a brilliant idea but the electric burner is more fun because it's so reckless ..
baking clips is addictive as hell .
any foreign matter ends up either as a blemish or some kind of design on the finish .If i was more creative I'd try to lay down a pattern with oil or something to create an effect. ...
ammonia and salt / mustard ,nail polish ,eggs?
The darker tint makes less contrast between clip and light so it makes the clip more muted and not such a feature .
On a stainless steel or tiainium light the darker clip looks very cool because of the contrast
I'm really surprised more people aren't doing this since it's so easy
I’ll have to give that a go on the pocket clips on some of my knives, I don’t use them as I prefer a lanyard so there’d be no issue if they did lose the spring temper.
I'm not seeing any and have done about 5 clips so far..
it's certainly not obvious .
these convoy clips are pretty cheesy anyway and IMHO need to be deburred and reshapened before even beginning to be acvceptable .Changing the color just makes them a lot more interesting .