I really like the design of the Convoy S2+ and the S21A with the SST40 led.
I want to go one step further in lighting without reaching a huge flashlight, I’m looking for something like those two but with the maximum light and if it floods better orange peel or OP type.
I have thought about the Convoy S11 XHP70.3 Hi.
Or the Convoy M1 XHP70.2 but I think it would be bigger because of the head it has.
Which would be the best option?
Or do I have to look for another type of led and flashlight?
Will it illuminate more if I choose a temperature of 6500K or is it the same as using 5000k?
I think that the 6500K gives the sensation of more illumination but it is not real.
What do you think, what would be the option of a not very large flashlight similar to the S2+ and S21A but with much more light?
I think going with an XHP70.3 HI is the way to go if you want a bit of throw.
Otherwise an XHP70.3 HD will be a bit brighter (if you can find a flashlight with that emitter.)
All other factors being the same, a 6500K emitter will be a bit brighter than a 5000K emitter.
That’s because the colder the tint, the brighter the emitter will be, but the difference is not very noticeable.
How about the Convoy M21B? https://www.aliexpress.com/i/3256803171542744.html
Good point!
I have this flashlight, which has a very large head so it can handle the heat.
(Flashlights with smaller heads won’t be able to handle the heat as well.)
Ahhh ok so it’s better to go for an M21B than an S11?
Did I get that right?
If I want a lot of light in something small it would get too hot I thought the S11 was already within a larger size with small head.
So the best option with lots of light and small size would be a M21B with XHP70.3Hi R70 or XHP70.3HI R9050 the latter only 5000K max.
An S11 XHP70.3Hi I guess would get too hot.
I am looking for pictures to see them together.
It is to go to the bush at night I want to flood light.
I started doing it with bad flashlights and lacked light.
I found the forum and learned a lot and got a S2+ SST40 5000k convoy and on the way a S21A SST40 6500k.
It is very small the S2+ and a wonder but I want more light.
The S21A 6500K has not arrived and I don’t know the difference.
I want a third one comfortable to wear with more light than the previous two.
It is true that the S2+ SST40 at max only a few minutes gets very hot.
Sorry I use a translator and thanks for the help!
I am in contact with the Simon Mao store but I am undecided on which model to buy I had already clear the S11 but I have seen the M21B and I like it but I do not know if it will be big for me.
If it’s big I won’t carry it around and it will never leave the house at the end the comfortable thing is what you use the most so I’m looking for the maximum in lighting but the smallest I can according to the limitations.
Mine is using the XHP 50.2 with an OP reflector. It is, of course, bigger than the S2+ as it uses 21700 cells. But, at least, the head and body are the same diameter. It is a decent balance of throw and flood, but with his small reflector and LED it is a short to medium range light. Probably the XHP 70.2 will be a bit brighter, but be more floody. Look for reviews, but it will likely have similar throw just due to its higher output.
Also, if you are interested in a clip, you need to buy it separately. I got one from Convoy that attaches with a couple of screws. It works fine, once you get those tiny screws and nuts attached.
As others have said, the 6500K LED will be the brightest for a given LED. They use less phosphor, so less filtering. 6500K lights were all I bought for many years. Though the last few years I have found I like more neutral white CCTs. Like 4500K to 5000K. But this is personal taste.
R70 is CRI. Many say higher is better. They list many reasons. None of which are important to everyone. To me, if you are not doing photography or have a real need to determine accurate color rendition, it is not that big of a deal. So, “worse” will be according to your needs and perception. Not in any way an absolute.
If all that you need is output 6500K R70 will be fine.
I ordered it a few weeks ago when another seller impersonated Simon.
I have the S2+ SST40 5000K and the S21A SST40 6500K is on the way.
I mean that it will have little difference in the S21A model compared to the one that you have advised me S21B.
Sorry for the mistake.
But I have gone to Simon’s store and I have seen that there is a S21B with the XHP50.3 Hi, maybe this is more and another with the B35M. I don’t know if this led is bright or the SST40 is more.
I, having an S2+ SST40 and an S21A SST40, wanted something much brighter and more flooding than these two.
Another thing is that I don’t like yellow light but I have used the S2+ 5000K and it is pleasing to the eye true colors.
When the S21A 6500K arrives, I’ll see if the one I choose will be 5000k or 6500K, the ideal would be some interference but few LEDs have it.
And with OP diffuser to flood light.
I don’t think I was wrong this time.
I thought of the S11 as an option with an XHP70.3 Hi and OP led but I have been told that it may be too small to dissipate the heat of that led.
Another option that they tell me is the M21B with the same XHP70.3 Hi led. Maybe it’s not that big, but I like the S11 because of the cylindrical design.
If you read above, the M21C is also mentioned for that led because it will dissipate heat better, but it is already too big for me.
I know that if it is not comfortable I will never wear it.
I have an S11, but with an XHP 70.2 with OP reflector.Pretty sure it uses the same driver as the 70.3 model. It is considerably bigger than the S21 models as it uses the 26650 battery. It might be too big for comfortable jean pocket carry. I have not had problems with it over heating. It will get hot on 100% but not so hot that I can’t hold it or that it will kill the LED or battery.
I have the 12 mode driver and use Group 2: 0.1%, 1%, 10%, 35%, 100%. It does have temperature control, so it basically steps down to 35% after some time. Which sounds like a lot, but the visual output change is not huge.
The 70.3 HI would just give you a bit more throw.
But be careful this light may be too big for what you want. It is a cylinder (head same diameter as the body), but it is only a couple of mm less in diameter than the head of an S21B. AND, you need 26650 cells…
And what do you mean by this, maybe with an S21B and the XHP50.3 Hi with a 21700 battery it would be a good comfortable option, which is what I’m looking for?
But the lighting maybe almost the same as the S21A with SST40.
Or use the S11 with the same led as you.
Or The M21B that uses 21700.
I say this for the advantage of inserting 18650 batteries without forcing springs.
But I repeat, I am looking for a big change in light, maybe when the S21A arrives it will be what I was looking for, I don’t think so because it is the same led as the S2+
What a mess!!!
And thanks for really answering!
You have already told me that it does not get too hot and if I decide on the S11 I can always choose an XHP70.2 like yours.
I guess it will get less hot than the XHP70.3HI.
I have not understood what you say, “But be careful this light may be too big for what you want”
Do you mean the XHP70.3HI led on that cylinder of the S11?
Thank you! I already have something clarified about heat dissipation in the S11
You said the head on the M21B might be too big for what you want. Right? Just saying that the body of the S11 is only a couple of MM smaller in diameter. So it may be bigger than what you want.
The S11 with the XHP 70.3 is close to twice as bright as the SST 40.
But more flood than throw. Still throws well at what I have seen in reviews as ~430 meters.
It is designed for 26650 cells. But comes with adapter O-Rings for 21700 and 18650 cells
21700 cells fit OK in mine. No spring problems
Ahhh ok, so the S11 is already big, there is no difference or a minimal difference in size with the M21B.
By shape I like the S11 but I don’t know if it dissipates heat better than the M21B that now is my doubt.
I see the body of the S11 robust and heavy I guess as you say it dissipates it well.
I also think that the S2+ S21… M21… series are more moderate in design and improved than the M1… S11… older in design correct me if I’m wrong because I see that they mount the 21700 the big ones and the 18650 the S2+ is just a theory.
I will explain what it would be used for.
It is what I am looking for are walks in the bush with trails and a lot of very low pine trees and I need to fill the area with light to see the children where they walk good are not so good children.
When we go out the flashlight is always in hand never stored the door of the house is next to the hiking trails, but if I use holsters on the belt of the pants we do not carry backpacks, well a small one for water, as the vacation home we have it at the foot of the mountain and 30m from the trails and routes.
It will never go in the pocket, we finish the route according to the chosen one and the hand goes to the drawer to keep it for another day and are occasional days.
Summers and holidays, we call them the night route, 4 brothers with flashlights and our children about 10 or 12 people depending on the day.
In short it is not professional use and one of my brothers uses one of those bad flashlights and one of my brothers uses one of his mountain bike, I liked its lighting flooded the area with light, so I decided to look for a handheld, his is flat and for bike two Leds.
Having the S2+ and the S21A on the way, I wanted one with a big jump in illumination between those two so I have several ranges.
@Weerapat_K He has told me that the S11 he believes dissipates heat better because of a larger host size, I don’t know what the hole is where the led and driver are housed.
But he likes the M21B model better.
His videos where he uses both are these and I love the illumination of those LEDs!
Maybe if instead of an XHP70.3 HI I used an XHP70.3 HD it would be more flood which is what I’m looking for but I like that scope too and having OP I have both.
Now the doubt is to choose the CRI.
I have two options XHP70.3Hi R70 6500 5000 or XHP70.3Hi R9050 5000 this last one you can’t choose 6500.
Which one would be the best option?
These are mountain trails with low pine trees if you don’t wear a cap and get out you will scratch your head no fog ever.
If it were me I would get the M21B. But I have 5 of them and only 1 S11.
I like the 21700 cells better is one factor in this. More options for quality cells and equivalent capacity. Real good 26650 cells seem to be becoming harder to find and are generally more expensive.
If you look at the beamshots in the first video, the M21B has a bit tighter beam (better throw, but marginally) , but still is very floody.
I don’t think that heat dissipation will be significantly different between the two. Not in real world use.
The 6500K led will give you more lumens.
The color temp (CCT) and CRI numbers are a personal thing. But I already said this.
The only way to know which you would like better is to get both and compare them. No one can tell you what is better for YOU, or which you will like best… Safest bet would to get both. Find the one you like, then sell or give away the other one. Or keep both so you have a spare. They are not very expensive lights!
That being said, form what I have seen in my personal use , the differences are not huge. From what you have said you want, I would bet that you will be happy with either led.
And with the M21B would it have flooding too or is it less than the S11?
Yes, I thought about buying both only there was the other doubt that the led gives me two options R70 and R9050.
If I choose R70 I can use 6500K and 5000K and if I choose R90 only 5000K.
I don’t know whether to buy both at 6500K or one of them at 5000K but in this case I don’t know what would happen if I choose 5000K R70 or 5000K R9050 maybe more illumination in R70.
I don’t know if this is correct.
If it says there is no difference in carlor dissipation and if I buy one it would be the M21B XHP70.3Hi 6500K R70 and if I buy two I don’t know whether to choose one of each 6500K and another 5000K.
It’s a mess!
Visually I like the S11 looks more tactical I don’t know if it floods more than the M21B model.
I have also seen that it uses 22mm the S11 plus base to dissipate heat.
I haven’t found anywhere if it uses 22mm the M21B or uses the 20mm. or the 16mm. I guess it would be the 20mm.
Sorry for the mess but I have not used or seen either.
I don’t like having a head on the flashlight I like the tube design but I do like the use of 21700 and that having more head with fins is better for heat.
PS: I did not find anything about the difference of R70 and R9050 at the same temperature 5000K did not get to understand it would be logical that 5000K is already R90 I do not know why there is the option R70.
Maybe just a small amount of additional Lumens. Not visible to the eye. If you get two, I suggest getting the highest CRI option so you can compare low and high CRI beams.
Good question. I have no idea. Maybe someone else can tell us. Or maybe you could write to Simon and ask him.
You are over analyzing. I know, because I do it myself. Paralysis by analysis. Buying a flashlight is not like making a decision that will impact your family for the next 50 years. Just get a light or two and play with them. That is the only way to really figure out what makes you happy.
BTW. A final thought on the S11. It is one of my least used lights (but I have so many that lots of them just sit on a shelf or in a drawer) It is just is a bit too large and heavy for MY preferred usage. The differences between it and the M21B as far as heat and beam are really negligible (just go back and look carefully at the first video that you linked above where they are compared). So just pick one and see what you think after using it for a while. You can always try the other one later.
Of course, there is a danger in this kind of thinking. You can get to where I am… having way too many darn flashlights.
But that is the way many people on this forum think and do things.
Yes, it’s true that I don’t use them, but when I go on a trip and I need to take a flashlight I like to have one depending on where I’m going to go, field, forest, etc.
The funny thing is that I only use it when we go to the mountains in the summer and during the Easter holidays, that is to say a week twice a year.
But I also like watches and I have 28, Swiss, Japanese, Italian etc. but I only use my Apple Watch Ultra but I know they are there and when I feel like it I wear one and sometimes I sell one but I buy another one.
They are things that we like and we have to enjoy them.
I’m new to flashlights and the forum, I used a flashlight that zooms bought in AliExpress lights a lot for a few € and I was happy with it on field trips.
But I met the forum because my brother came one night and brought the led light of his racing bike and I thought wow!
I bought the S2+ SST40 5000k but I wanted 6500 there was no stock and when I turned it on next to mine I said the same thing wow!
I thought how come I didn’t buy this before for a few euros more?
And I saw an offer on the S21A I had still read little on the forum if I hadn’t bought another one but it came out very cheap with a coupon.
So I decided to buy another one but with more Wow Wow hahaha