Saw an ad for this light and just knew I had to post it here. It seems they are doing the exact same thing as the people with the g700 light. Saying it’s a $200 light marked down 75%. Same stuff, different name…
These ads are really starting to piss me off, I was at a friend’s house last night and he told me that one of his cop buddies ordered a G700, I took an EE X6 out of my pocket that had a dedomed XP-G2 and a fet+1with Toykeeper’s firmware and told him to take that to his buddy to compare, also showed him the actual price of the G700.
It seems that as long as there is ignorance, there will be those willing to prey on it. Disappointing that these lights always show up on these “click baity” type ads on most websites instead of true branded lights like nitecore or fenix…
People that buy 9900mAh 18650s and rate them as perfect also buy G700 and X800.
Over the years my attitude towards stuff like this has changed to what could be called a bit cynical: who cares to google before he buys is safe, and who doesn’t care deserves what he gets. And if someone is happy with an X800 or 9900mAh 18650, well, why not leave it at that? Blessed are the ignorant.
Yes, this is exploiting those without proper flashlight knowledge (lol…like that is some sort of required life skill), but I have to say bravo to the marketing mastermind behind the G700. For all we know it could be a member of this or another light forum.