I was thinking of getting one of these 11mm drivers to put in my Tool AAA (Nichia 219BT) so I can safely use a 10440 battery (I hear those break the standard driver that comes in these).
Maybe I don’t understand FET drivers, but how much current will this driver output with a single 3.7-4v input?
I was thinking of getting the standard firmware with no memory (just want on/off). The specs found for the Nichia 219BT says a MAX current of 1.5A. So hopefully yall could offer some clarification on this driver and led?
You can overdrive most leds with 2x current pretty safely. I run my 219B’s at 3 amps and they survive easily on a DTP board. Your current will mostly be limited by your battery, so it really depends which 10440 battery you use.
I would not recommend on/off on fet drivers for small AAA flashlights as they will overheat. You might want to ask mtnelectronics to make you a custom firmware so it does not overheat.
Thanks. I have the full copper host, and cheap no name 10440 batteries. Do you think a direct drive would be a bad idea than; assuming a cheap 10440 might putout ~800ma?
I had that setup in a tool ti, FET, 10mm Sinkpad, 219B, with Efest 10440 it was pulling 3-4A for maybe 550lm output on max. Will get hot fast on highest setting but there’s lower modes to use.
Cheap 10440’s might give 1-2A for a bit on max. Best to get some Efest’s
I have one of these Mtn drivers in a copper Maratac, with a XP-L2 on a Sinkpad, and it puts out over 700 lumen, so more than 2A current.
Essential to get it working well, as in great output:
-a host with good heat spreading, like your copper Tool
-a low voltage led, such as your 219B
-a copper DTP ledboard, only Sinkpad makes these small ones (get them i.e. from vestureofblood, he has an internet store and also an ebay store). Without this board your led will be dying over time.
-an Efest 10440 battery. No alternative for high drain.
Noice find! I didn’t even think about the heat sink, I assumed it was already copper :person_facepalming: . It looks like I will be buying their copper sinked 219c now too with the driver.
I think ill get guppydrive v2. If yall have any suggestions do let me know!