I uses two different types of discharge testers, I have two LiitoKala Lii500 and one Opus BT-C3100.
The BT-C3100 worked fine for a week, but then the backlights started to flash strange, and the numbers I got of the charger was really strange, always the same numbers, or very close on each battery.
The fan started to get very loud, and a morning the whole charger was just dead. After that it has stayed dead.
Since I don’t have more then one BT-C3100 I don’t know if it’s the charger or the power adapter or both that is broken. Waiting for a new (or two) Opus BT-C3100 so as fast as I get one, I can try the adapter on the old one. But I think it’s the charger that has broken totally.
People from another thread wanted this story in a own thread, so here it is.
Edit 16.08.2015: I’m not sure this charger really was an Opus charger, since it did not have the Opus name printed on it. It came in a Opus box, had all the markings on it, the labelunder was correct, but still, why would Opus send out their own brand without their brand name on it. So please see this charger as a fake, not the real deal.
Too bad about the 3100 going bad. But you can tell if the power adapter is bad or not by measuring the voltage at the plug with a DMM. It’s center positive so just put the positive lead in the plug hole and the negative on the outer part.
I have got a full refund for the charger, and ordered me two new ones. So don’t think I will use more time on the old one, for how can I trust it again?
Yes, have two more coming, or three. Two Lii500 and one Lii400, since I discovered today that Lii400 has most likely the same option as BT-C3100, showing the results on all four batteries at the same time, not having to click to each bay to look.
But I also have a couple of real OPUS BT-C3100 v2.2 coming also. Don’t need so many chargers, but will try to sell the ones I don’t need here in Norway. I think my perfect test setup is 2 x Lii500, 1 x Lii400 and 1 x BT-C3100 v2.2
I have ordered twice from both sellers, with a couple of weeks between each time. And both send their products really fast, and there is no issues at all. I have got all 4 chargers, and both time, I have got the chargers at the same day (since I ordered it the same day from both sellers. They have used around 12 business days from I order to I have the charger at home here i Norway. Thats both sellers.
Forgot to update this thread. It was not the charger it self that was damaged, it was the power supply. Just got a new power supply (not original, but that deliver the same output) and then the charger worked fine again. (beside the insane noisy fan, much more noisy then the two others I have online now).
What if I just had trow it away as my plan was. But then I did buy a adapter for another thing, and then I found a power supply for the old C3100 also.
It work, but why did the power supply die? Maybe if I use the charger allot again, the new power supply die also?? I don’t know that. So if I refund the seller, and the new power supply die also, then the sure thing is that there is the charger there is something wrong with. Can I then get my money back one more time? And an I demand that the seller also pay for the power supply I ordered?
And I also wrote in the first post that it MAY be power supply (adapter), but that I did not have any spare charger to test with.
The same info I gave to the seller. The power supply is sold with the charger, so when one of the parts dies, the charger is useless, or the adapter is useless.
Either way, I had to order a new BT-C3100 charger, so the refund was on it’s place. I could not wait a month for the spare power supply, to see if it was that the cause the error, and if not, I had to wait a month for a new BT-C3100 charger.
I live in Norway, so I cant just go in store to buy thees things. A spare power supply is easily the same price as the BT-C3100 charger. But nice everything is so simple in your part of the world.
1. You are partial right - my hobby is not just flashlights.
2. Your wrong - me using lots of time to get refund is not fun use of my time.
3. Before BLF on Ebay - I got full refund on all Ultrafire batteries (6800mAh types) yes - and I trow them away after. On 3000lumen types of flashlight on a single XM-L LED, I got a partial refund on most of them yes. At Gearbest.com, I have got full refund from some of the stuff I have got yes, there it was no doubt it was a fake or something wrong with the item. But of now $1600 I have spent there, I maybe have got refund for $150, there the broken Xiaomi style power banks was $80, then some bad Trustfire 26650 batteries $40, and maybe some small things, but rest of the refund I have got there has been orders not in stock after I have ordered it, so I have taken a refund on my wallet, then used it on new stuff.
At Aliexpress I have three disputes of 50 orders, and all three is fake Xiaomi 16000 power banks. They all want their stuff back, or they are only paying fraction of the price, so there I will take a loss of $100. All other goods from Aliexpress has been good.
4. So my goal is actually no refund, just get the items I pay for, that they work 100%, that they are not fake, that had made my life much better.
And i have to say,I think few here have used now over $3500 on stuff from four places (Gearbest, BangGood, Aliexpress and Alibaba). And then a few hundreds on Ebay before July. So on 6 weeks I have used maybe close to $4000. Thats lots of stuff. I have two big plastic boxes just with stuff + lots more coming. So of course I get some bad stuff, buy from the wrong buyer etc.
5. I’m trying to find quality goods for less money then I have to pay here in Norway, and I’m not always think high price = good quality. In some areas yes, but on internet, dealing with electronics, and China, it not so easy. And since all other buys from the same places, but marked it like it’s gold, it not so easy always to find good thing to the right price. But I have found allot, I you want I can create a list (will take some days) with all the stuff I have got. That will be a very long list. And thats all the stuff I have kept, not asked a refund for or something.
About the D80, I must be allowed to say that I think the D80 got very hot. Then I tested all my flashlights (the good ones) and found out that several of them gets too hot after 10 minutes of 100% light. But I will not ask for a refund because of that, but I will maybe not spend $80 more on a set that maybe gets equal hot. But you think I’m not allowed to “complain” or raise questions here on BLF at all? You think the best thing is for me to leave BLF?
I also have to say that I’m not the only one here at BLF or rest of the world that wants good products for so little money as possible. Just see on all the group buys. If nobody cared about the price, why bother trying to get a lower price?
And this forum has the name Budget Light Forum, not I’m so rich that I don’t care forum. The whole reson for this forum is that people can find quality products for a low price. I share my experience after using thousand of dollars in few weeks, so other can choose if they want to buy the same stuff and/or from the same seller.
That’s not a fair description or comparison. He was savvy enough to salvage some junks, but to many others junk remains junk. Consider a few “junk artists” who make art objects by salvaging auto junks.
i was hoping that someone in the usa could send me a broken charger to autopsy.but my first troubleshooting test would have been to test on a power source other than that lowest bidder possibly dangerous wallwart it came with.i see so many crap power supplies like that they are at the top of my list of suspects.
i just picked up a 1 year old netgear router at a yardsale for $1.
was reported to be locking up.
both filter caps in the wallwart were popped.it gets dd-wrt this evening.
Your first post and many others were complaints. Every problem you have you feel the need to post. That is not a proper way to do business and why it is important to know the product and the vendor before you buy. It is what is called the learning curve.
What has offended many people here is that you have posted and complained about at least one vendor that is appreciated around here. Are there glitches every now and then? Of course but they get handled in quiet, respectful, and professional manner. This forum is not a war hammer and the last thing anybody wants is for any vendor to hear or see BLF and then refuse to deal with us. Our massive group buys would not be possible without this trust between us.
Speaking of group buys....let's talk about the BLF A6.
The BLF A6 started as an idea at the end of last year. Banggood decided to work with us because of our integrity. We decided what we wanted. Banggood sent the original A6 lights that where we added the mcpcb's and the drivers and shipped them around the country at our expense. WHEN we were sure that the light functioned as we wanted then we turned over the specs to Banggood.
Banggood did the proper thing and sent us working samples for review, which we did. We worked hand in hand slooowwwwly until we knew things were correct. We did NOT just say to go to production nor did we endorse the unknown AND something else we did NOT do is advertise the difficulties that we involved for all of us AND none of us ever will. That is bad business and the BLF A6 would not exist.
Regardless, if you have no experience with a product or a vendor you BUY ONE ONLY and test it and IF you do not like it for whatever reason handle the situation properly with the vendor.
That is what has many people upset here.
BTW....if the stock D80 is too hot for you then please do NOT purchase the BLF A6 because it will get hot....and that is posted in the thread several times :)
The case with Gearbest.com is still hunting me yes. But I still think it was right to post that they wanted me to sensor this forum before I could get a refund. Thats not right at all, regardless of how good relation this forum has with them. Just because of this relation, they should never have asked me to sensor/delete my thread here on this forum.
But the relation between me and Gearbest.com is better and better for each day, and I have spent lots more money there lately. And they fix issues on a better way now.
So I don’t think it’s fair that I been judged on every thread I made. I must be allowed to have issues, and since I buy lots of stuff, I will get some bad stuff from time to time. On other forums, people like to know if a seller or something have a bad product, and I hope it is the same here. Or do you never want to hear if Gearbest, BanGood, Fasttech or some other store sells bad products?
Ken - You are killing me! 5 hotrod lights. LOL. I bet ya they sell better than all of your lights
All I am saying in the previous post is: Slow down, Relax, Read, Ask...before you say. We have all been through what you have and know how to deal with things AND if you have noticed we actually have representatives from most vendors here that WILL do everything possible to help as long as everything is not handled in a public fashion.
Bad products - yes..tell us IF you know they are bad, defective products (does actually happen) - sure but remember the vendor does not make them and if you only have one defect out of ten then it is only one out of ten *(asking to be refunded for all is frowned upon unless all are verified bad)
Our vendors stand behind the products they sell more than the actual manufacturers do.