My C8-SS modded and "Foy-bezeled"

Got this UF-C8, SS bezel version, with 5 modes XM/L.
First I swapped in a Xin-TD led pill 3 modes with nanjg105 driver, and found that this combo with the original UF reflector gave a much better beamshot than the Xin-TD C8, without rings and with a nice tight hotspot. I had to add an insulating washer between pill and reflector to avoid shorting the wires on the star, but all went together easily. Also added GITD 42mm oring, and a forward clicky.
Then played a bit on my friend lathe (I’m no good at machining at all, so this was just experimental) and cutted away the crenelatino from the bezel, then finishing it cutting the inner/outer edges 45degree to give a smoother appearance.
Admittedly this is just a slight customization of a flashlight, nod big modding, but as a relative newby I’m happy with it and love the look of it now :bigsmile:

Your modded flashlight looks pretty awesome.

Nice work!

Nice job! I always loved the look of the SS bezeled C8. I tried to get one but it was OOS at the time and I was sent a plain one. No need for a second C8 so I never bothered trying for one again after that. Love the look. Nice and pocket friendly now. :wink:

Thats a sweet looking C8 now!!!

Kudos to you , for a job well done !!! 8)

Looks good. A light is always better if you put a little work into it.

Nice mod there. I have done similar to other flashlights and I've found them much more appealing afterwards :-)

Nice work!

Nice mod :smiley: Which version of XinTD do you have? v3 has similar reflector.

Thanks for the nice comments! :8)

@ JohnnyMac
well I was in need to make it more pocket-friendly, the SS crenelated bezel was almost razor-edged, so much that it damaged the holster! Now it is much less dangerous, LOL!

@ SashiX
I used the pill from a XinTD V2, which I didn’t like because of the very ringy beam image.
I’ve been told that the new V3 reflector is better, but haven’t ordered a V3 yet (but am curious to compare them now to see if any difference)
The “host” and reflector I used are original UF.