I wanted to try my hand at a build so i built this.Im hooked now and want to build some more lights.
Got all the parts at mtn electronics
Convoy s2+ host
Aluminum triple spacer
Nichia NVSL219C D280
Bistro firmare
Carclo lens
20mm ar coated lens
You can increase the front hole diameter a bit to get less of the optic covered
@ Twistedvizionz,
Thanks for sharing.
Nice and clear photo’s.
Look forward to your next build / Mod.
Well done Twistedvizionz. So what is the next build? :+1:
Oh dear, now you’ve started… :laughing:
Well done :+1:
Thank you for the tip,i might try it.
Simple 18350 build,then i plan on modding a cheap triple aaa light.
Thank yall
Thank yall
There’s no turning back now! Nice build!
Thanks everyone.Ordered some parts today for an 18350 build
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on completing your first build! :+1:
I am a total n00b to flashlight modding, so I hope you don’t mind if I ask a few questions about your build and mods in general. I recently purchased the gray Convoy S2+ on flash sale at GB. CW tints don’t really appeal to me, so I was thinking of changing the emitter and possibly switch to the new Convoy driver (as a first mod project). Then I stumbled across this thread and I basically want to copy your build with triple Nichia.
So my questions as of now are:
Will thermal paste be required?
Is the driver being used this one? FET + 7135 Driver - 17mm - MTN-17DDm - New Updated Version FET + 7135 Driver - 17mm - MTN-17DDm
When it comes to firmware choice, is that just based on personal preference? I am thinking of either Bistro or guppydrv. Any insight and suggestions are welcome.
I have a soldering iron already but will I need any other tools to complete this? I am thinking I need some cheap snap ring pliers and/or thin tweezers to unscrew the retaining rings and components. Helping hands with magnifier could also be helpful I assume.
Anyone feel free to lend some advice or ideas. Thank you!
Thank you,and i will be as helpful as i can as im a nood as well.Thermal paste yes,i used that driver and got it with the wires and bypassed spring option.I chose bistro software for no other reason then i liked the modes and programmability.So yes firmware was personal preference at least for me.
I picked up my helping hands at harbor freight for 5 dollars.A set of tweezers will work or you can get some snap ring pliers at harbor freight as well.Your going to need a spacer for the triple and will have to drill a hole in the center of the pull but its easy to do.
Thank you for the reply. I will do a little more research about modding/building in general before attempting this project. I may return if I have any more questions!
I will help in any way i can.And i can tell you its not hard.
Yes, thermal paste is reccomended for any light, just figure on using it or thermal adhesive every time you install an mcpcb. The adhesive is more permanent and sets up fast. Decide for yourself when to use each.
I’d suggest guppy drive since you can get it on one of the regulated 7135 drivers. Even 3A is a lot for tube lights and with an FET DD driver a triple 219C will see much more than that. I’d reccomend the triple/FET combo for larger triples like the X6. I’ve actually asked RMM about the possibility of a two channel 7135 driver like the moonlight special being optimized for bistro and he seemed inclined to favor it but atm it’s only available as an Oshpark project from pilotdog/texasace/del. Guppy drive has a ton of modes to choose from and it’s pretty easy to do as well(8 or so half presses and it blinks twice and switches to low then you half press the mode number and it blinks again and stays in that mode group) if you don’t do anything at all, after a few seconds it blinks again and stays in the original mode group.