My name is Kyle and I'm a Flashaholic

Hello from Columbus Ohio.
I have always been into flashlights and recently got serious about it. I currently have an Olight sr52ut, a Nitecore p12gt, and an Acebeam K70. I have a couple customs on the way as well as a few lights from overseas. I just can’t stop buying them!

You came to the wrong place Kyle, no one here will ever stop you from buying flashlights :frowning:

Welcome to BLF! :party:

Make sure you get a decent charger for your cells. If any of your over seas lights come with w free charger throw it away. Or wait on catastrophic failure. Get a xstar, liito, opus, efest. Some kind of name brand trusted charger. You can find the ones hjk has reviewed on this site. Buy quality cells to, stay away from any ultrafire or any cells with fire in the name besides thorfire. Name brand cells are quality and cheaper then rewraps.

Welcome to the site.

What’s a flashaholic? Wait a sec, just looked in the mirror and found one! Welcome to BLF Kyle!

Thanks for the welcomes! My charger is a nitecore D4. It is always done well for me but if this is not sufficient I can always get a better one

Welcome to the Flashaholics Forum Flashaholic Kyle :smiley:

Hi and welcome Gkyle84.

Hi! Gkyle84!


Hi and welcome

Welcome to BLF. This is definitely a good place to be if you don’t want to stop buying flashlights. :money_mouth_face:

If I may suggest a buying strategy? Purchase only milestone / high water mark type lights that suit your needs . Keep your powder dry for the inevitable sales and generational advances. Otherwise you will have a lot of 2016 best offerings. We know it’s a matter of days, weeks, months… before next deal comes along. Will this next purchase compliment your collection or is it redundant? I wish in hindsight, I would have taken this approach. FWIW, my 2 cents.

The group buys and good deals really appeal to me. I have about 4 on the way currently. I also have a tri ecd from Tnc coming and a firefly 2.0. I think you give great advice as I’m on track to spend way to much if I keep up my current buying habits with lights. I really think I am going to love the customs but it’s hard to justify the prices on most of them.

Welcome Kyle, join the fun.

Welcome to BLF, Kyle!

Liked others have mentioned, it’s difficult not to get carried away. Especially with all the group buys and deal threads. :slight_smile:

If you like to tinker in the slightest, pick up your soldering iron (or you can get one for like $5) and try your hand at emitter swaps, dedoming, etc. It’s addicting and satisfying!

Customs can actually be a huge pain in the rear. Sometimes they hold up your packages for no reason, or even return them to sender!


We're very glad to have you here, Gkyle84!

Bugger all, I never got a Milla welcome when I joined BLF…

Soooo jealous…

I recently discovered that I have the same problem.

For instances in another hour or so I am going to take apart a perfectly working sk98 that just happens to have a real Cree XML just to see what board they used and how they set it up. Then in a couple of weeks probably order a more updated XML just to see how much brighter I can make it.


Create a thread in the Introduce Yourself subforum, and see what happens next.